Meme, lovely Meme

Dec 23, 2008 23:53

I was tagged by pippii & kos_mos607, svgurl & vodooman
(;_________________; I'm so slow lately that I succeeded to be tagged three times for the same meme xD Anyone done better?
But, hey! I love my friends and you do know I love memes too ÖÖ)

A. People who have been tagged must, if they choose to participate, write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question. Please italicize the new question if you do that.

B. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

And I tag... (Rather difficult when already half of my Flist tagged me...XD)
blackbirdj2, ckll, dawnintheforest, melindra, sambre, souzoukyuuketsu, tentaino_konton & vespertila

01. What are your nicknames?
Caro or Baby^^

02. What's new in your life right now?
I’m on holidays!!! At laaaaaaaaaaaast!! ;)))

03. How many colours are you wearing now?
One Oo Blue.

04. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Definitely introvert even if a lot of people think otherwise XD

05. What was the last book you read?
The last book I read...
I reread Victor Hugo's contemplations and I read "The Prince Caspian" and "Breaking Dawn" at the same time...

06. Do you nap a lot?
If I could I'll nap everyday and anytime ;________; But generally I just don't (How fair is that?ToT)

07. If the person you secretly like is already taken, what would you do?
Nothing, move on.

08. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Not really unhappy... But rather sad... I just met so many people who don't really have friends around them... And this is really sad... I've always had so many friends since my childhood. Friendship is something so important.

09. What's your favorite dessert?
I don't like desserts...But I suppose it'll be fruit tart (but I don't like cooked fruits)

10. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About 40 minutes. It's really hard for me to get up in the morning -________-

11. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, YouTube and Mails.

12. Do you write fic? What was the last fic you wrote?
Sometimes. I try my best to write regularly. The last fic... oootch OO My last drabble was for my Advent Calendar a few days ago about Sammy This is the Lifefor jessm78 but the last fic...
I wrote My Guardian Angel's Song, a Lois/Oliver story (Smallville) for the Advent Calendar @ smallearth but this is more a very short one-shot...
Wait... *search like a mad*
Existence a Reid/Tyler fic (The Covenant) in October... This was a fic Exchange @ covenantslash (And I never got mine TOT)

13. Do you like to clean?
NOT AT ALL! I hate cleaning. But I'm doing it because I have no choice *sighes*
I like everything to be clean but I definitely don't like being the one cleaning -_-

14. What's the last song that got stuck in your head?
Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson.

15. What's the last movie you saw?
Green Street Hooligans (Again xD).

16. How many stuffed animals are within your range of vision currently?
Too many already... being at my working desk I can see 4 of them... And I do have so maaaaaaaaaaaaany more OO *tries not to turn around*

17. Would you enter a relationship with your ideal partner, even if you knew he/she was seriously involved with/married to someone else and would never leave them?
Does that question include Dolph Lundgren or Justin Hartley? xDxDxD
Well... It'd be impossible for me because I'd never fall for someone who is already with someone else.

18. Tell one nice thing someone told you recently.
I was in a café with a friend of mine and the (rather hot and nice) waiter told me his most beautiful present for Christmas would be to have someone with a smile as beautiful as mine only for him... (Naughty too young man! xD)


[meme], [me - myself & i]

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