Icons Meme

Nov 22, 2008 01:57

I know I've done this before but I do enjoy these icon memes. :D

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

svgurl chose 5 for me to talk about.

=> This is Hiei. A character from the Anime Yu Yu Hakusho.I rather like the anime and I do think the character is "cute" But if I have this icon it is because I asked my friends for a blushing icon and a very good friend of mine, morelindele did make it for me^^

=> This is Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.I've made that icon myself because I love Eeyore and that I needed a doubtfoul and quiet one... But... It seems I have always something to say because I'm not really using that one a lot... Let's say... Quite never xD

=> The Cat smirking^^I'm just fond of that one that I stole from lilie_the_mouse
I wanted an icon smirking and when I saw lilie_the_mouse using it I just couldn't resist it! This cat is great! And everbody knows that Cat is the only animal on Earth to think that Human Being is its pet xD

=> Bélial.... *sighes*This is a drawing I like a lot that a friend, bory, drew for me^^ It is Bélial, a character of mine that I LIKE A LOT. It is inspired by Belial from the Old Testament for sure^^ Here you are some pictures from the Doll "Bélial" I made inspired by him^^
Here you are a little text I wrote about him.
He is born, the Divine Child,

=> What? Why are you asking? Didn't you recognize me? ÖÖ
I love pink! I love to dance! Here you are the Pig is dancing icon!^^ I stole it from airini because I just couldn't not to have this icon! It is too cute^^ And I like piggies xD

Now... I'm looking for some new icons from pairing that I like, if you know some that you think I could like, please, help me! ;)))
- Blaise/Draco
- Draco/Harry
- Marcus/Oliver
- Bart/Oliver
- Clark/Oliver
- Reid/Tyler
- Bobby/John


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