Title: Rise and Shine, High King
Autor :
babydrackyFandom/Pairing: NARNIA; Peter Pevensie/Caspian X
Rating : PG
Notes: Written for the prompt "sleeping in"
100 words @
100foraslanSummary: The High King has work to be done.
When he opened his eyes he knew he has to get up. Day will break soon enough and he has to prepare for the assault. A long day is waiting.
Caspian sighs in his sleep. Peter wishes he could stay a little longer in this warm embrace, savouring his new lover's scent. He smells of strong musc.
Peter gently strokes Caspian's messy hair and kisses him on the forhead. The High King has to get up if he doesn’t want the little Prince decides for all the battle’s schemes on his own.
The early bird catches the worm, doesn’t it?
Title: Rise and Shine, High King
Autor :
babydrackyFandom/Pairing: NARNIA; Peter Pevensie/Edmund Pevensie
Rating : PG
Notes: Written for the prompt "sleeping in"
100 words @
100foraslanSummary: The High King has work to be done.
When he opened his eyes Peter knew he has to get up. Day will break soon enough and he has to prepare for the assault. A long day is waiting.
Edmund sighs in his sleep. Peter wishes he could stay a little longer in this warm embrace, savouring his brother’s scent. He always smells of fresh cut-grass.
Peter gently strokes Edmund’s messy hair and kisses him on the forhead. The High King has to get up if he doesn’t want the Caspian boy decides for all the battle’s schemes on his own.
The early bird catches the worm, doesn’t it?