Jul 13, 2009 00:30
Series 3? What series 3?
Oh. The trainwreck. The one that broke my heart on Thursday and trampled on the pieces on Friday.
The series that never was.
I am resolved. No more crying, no more ranting. From now on, every memory I have of seeing that horrible thing will be stored in a quarantined area of my mind. Cordoned off with police tape. Do not trespass. And every time my thoughts go anywhere near there, my brain shall come to a screeching halt, and then very slowly backtrack until I'm safely back in the realm of industrial-strength coffee, stopwatches and naked hide-and-seek (he cheats, he always cheats).
Jack/Ianto shall prevail. Take that, Russell T. Davies, you callous sadistic fandom-wrecking moron.
So there.
Now I think I can sleep. Goodnight. Somebody send me a hug please?