May 10, 2009 07:05
i've just finished 8 season of Charmed.
i think im gonna die soon.
im so tired.
im having too much caffeine.
and i somehow want my hair to grow.
only because those stupid people who constantly comment about how short and boy-boy my hair is.
i think one day i might just break down.
well, i almost did yesterday, due to a totally off topic thing.
i just find someone, more like sometwo disrespecting people's believe.
oh man, i better stop before i start going into believes and political flaws.
oh, and on another hand, i love u jemaine.
whatever your decision is, me and jovi will support.
but this doesnt make us like him after all this faeces he caused.
we'll still be your friend.
but theirs no reason that we should be his.
sorry, my bitchy day.