Dude look what drugs & alcohol does to you. Become straightedge! Ha. yeah right. Well anyones not much really happend this weekend. Stayed home Thursday for 'Prego' reasons. Oliver stayed home to. Talked all damn night.
Friday was fucking GREAT. We had MSAs. Which isn't that bad cause I got to drink during the test.. yeah water my ass. -winks to miranda-. Plus all the kickass kids are in my class. Matt, Jason, Mia, Grace, Van. We just fucked around. Than i went to 3rd with the same people. We went to the Lab & talked about being alcoholics than Mr. C put on Greenday. Sold Out Greenday. 4th period came along. Energized as fuck. Than.. I went to Friendlys with Miranda
silli_slut & michelle
synthetic_dolli . We walked down to Record & Tape traders. I got BNO cd & Dog Fashion Disco's Live in Baltimore cd. <33
We went back to my house. Took us like 2hours to get dressed. Than left for Marley. Halo was getting his tattoos worked on, it took 3 fucking hours so we didn't get to see him & Wes. Dammit! But I went to HT & got my new stocking plus new tongue rings - they were 15$ and are crappy as fuck! I want my $ back!! I'll just go to Claires next time to get 'em. I saw the loverly Christen looking sexii as usual. She spanked my horny ass. Ha. We saw Brandon, but he was being a jerkoff. Why make me go to Marley if your not even going to chill with me?!
BUT! One of the Greatest things happened to me last night! I saw John. A few of my old livejournal friends might remember him..I met him at the carnival during the summer. He's the one who looked up my skirt. Well, I saw him & his friend. We chilled til John had to leave. But it was still fun. We chilled in the FAMILYbathroom. That biitch has a couch in it. John was just all Kiss Me baby last nite. Poor thang. So he left & we hung out with his friend Joe for alil bit. He was kool too. Liked him alot.. Heres a picture of that..
Sexii I know. So me, Miranda & Michelle went to see Cursed it was okay.. Nothing that I expected tho! I thought it had to do with vampires, but it was about fucking werewolves, still pretty good tho. Mikey called. I love that pirate boy. I got a new picture of him.. at the bottom of this. Nothing to do today, anyone wanna chill??
Want a livejournal cut.. i'll think about it..