Jun 05, 2005 19:59
OK so today was the first day back to open gym in 2 weeks. My mom told me I had to leave the house by 4 so I did. I arrive to school at 4:30 and the guys are in the gym. SO 5 o'clock rolls around and there's only me, Jalissa, Ashley, and Jenna. HOLY SHIT!!!! That was the longest practice ever. We only went til 6 but it was a good practice. I really wish they would've got the air in the gym to work. So now I have work out on my own cuz we don't have ne basketball til the 20th and that's just the elementary camp and then practice on the 21st.
I'm tired now so I'm goin to get somethin to eat and then maybe swimming somewhere.
<3 Courtney