Nov 17, 2004 18:03
last night i went to johns..smoked and what not & went back to my mums around 1230. i was soo incredibly tired this morn tho ahh luckily i have late arrival. but i got to school a few mins late neway. the school called my dad & shit cuz they forgot i have late arrival or sumthing? meaning id be prettty late. and he flipped out @ me until he realized i had no clue what the hell was going on. and that the school has no clue whats going on cuz they r idiots. but at least betty is a sweet heart =)
hannah bre and i were gona go out to eat or w.e 6/7/8 & 9 but hannah didnt have her car @ school and everyone else didn't wana skip class. stupid buttheads.
so after school hannah & i hit up papa ginos & blockbuster [mean girls is the awesomest movie in case u didn't know]
i love hannah to death so it pisses me of when nick treats her like shit. he got mad at her bcuz shes hangin out i guess he doesnt want her to hang out w.her friends.. fuckin jack ass. what is his problem?! he's the one who should be watchin himself cuz he's the one whos screwed himself over time and time again. oh and he called her bcuz he got fired and had to walk a long ass way to his car, so she offered to pick him up and hes like "NO i dont need your help"... im thinking then why the fuckk did u even call her. man, i just wish she'd stand up for herself and tell him to go shove it bcuz he has no right to treat her the way he does!
tomorrow i got drivers ed w.tim [i luvv that boy hehe] he wants to hang out after but idk if ill be up for it cuz i got a lab report due and a shit load of homework. gota keep these good grades up there O=)