just got home from work... i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job... and the people who live in charter oaks pool! next week... Mon - wed. I work 13 hours everyday!! argh....
Dave Mathews Band concert though thursday then.... what? oh yes...
my birthday a week from tommorow!!!!
--Kiss: :)
--Cigarette: camping.... shared it w/ashley... neither of us smoke and both of us were drunk
--Good cry: cant remember
--Library book checked out: something about false memories... for my spring term class paper
--Movie seen: dodgeball... yes!
--Book read: confessions of a shopoholic... but am currently reading "jane eyre" which is a great book
--Cuss word uttered: Fucking.... as referring to "that fucking kid" that peed on the pool deck
--Beverage drank: water
--Food consumed: a piece of angel food cake
--Phone call: Hungry Howies
--TV show watched: a little bit of the News w/my mom
--Shoes Worn: White Flip Flops
--CD played: an oldies CD i played for the ladies at water aerobics this morning
--Item bought: subway
--Downloaded: havent downloaded anything in who knows when
--Annoyance: WORK!!! i hate my job!
--Disappointment: boys
--Thing handwritten: signing out on my time sheet
--Line spoken: "mom, erin's on the phone"
--IM: caleb just IMed me to tell me airconditioning is awesome... so did andy to tell me he got pearl jam and 311 tickets! lucky kid!
--Trip on drugs: havent ever
--Time wanting to die: saurday... when i worked a 15 hour shift and Niel Diamond (not the real niel diamond) fell through the chair and threeatend to sue me
--Time in love: regretably- october
--Hug: nick last night... after our long talk lol
--Time scolded: if you count the mean people giving me shit when i yell at them... today... and everyday i work at charter oaks pool
--Lipstick used: confetti by clinique --the most expensive thing in my makeup bag
--Shirt worn: purple tanktop
--Poster looked at: the hot abercrombie bag at work
--Time you had sex : I wish!!!
--Person you made out with: : )
--Person who broke your heart: like no one knows that one! ha
You are...(looks)
[ ] tall
[*] in between
[ ] short
[ ] blonde
[ ] redheaded
[*] brunette
[] black-haired
[ ] blue-eyed
[] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[* ] hazel eyed
[ ] gold eyed
[ ] grey eyed
[ ] with glasses
[ ] with contacts
[*] with braces --invisalign!
[*] with freckles
[*] with piercings
[] with tattoos
[*] and have long hair
[ ] and have short hair
[* ] and have mid-length hair
Your nationality includes...
[ ] chinese
[ ] indian
[ ] taiwanese
[ ] japanese
[] hispanic
[ ] nicoya
[ ] puerto rican
[ ] chicana
[ ] italian
[* ] scottish
[] filipino
[ *] dutch
[* ] french
[ ] german
[ **] irish
[ ] greek
[ ] portuguese
[ ] polish
[ ] korean
[ ] jamacian
[ ] canadian
[ ] lithuanian
[ ] native american
[ ] russian
[ ] british
[ ] danish
[ ] african
[ ] scandanavian
[ ] armenian
[ ] finnish
[ *] other
Your favorite color(s) are?
[] red
[*] pink
[ ] yellow
[] black
[ ] green
[] blue
[ ] white
[ ] silver
[] purple
[ ] brown
[] orange
Some things you've done/played include...
[*] soccer
[* ] cheerleading
[] dancing
[ ] lacrosse
[ ] field hockey
[] hockey
[] football
[ ] softball
[] wrestling
[*] gymnastics
[*] track/cross country
[*] basketball
[ ] baseball
[ ] golf
[*] playing in the mud
[*]playing music
[ *] hiking
[ *] kayaking
[*] volleyball
[*] camping
[ * horseback riding
[ ] marching band
You are sometimes...
[ *] annoying
[ *] talkative
[*] shy
[*] funny
[*] serious
[*] bubbly
[*] spazzy
[*] fun-loving
[*] laid back
[ *] strict
[*] hyper
[*] weird
The music you like is?
[*] rap
[*] rock
[*] pop
[] country
[*] hip hop
[*] r&b
[*] slow jams
[ ] Christian
[ ] classical
[] techno
[*] oldies
[*] the 80s
[*] punk
[*] Metal
[*] reggae
[ ] Goth (wtf is goth music?)
[ ] Latin
[] 90's Grunge
[ *] musicals
The pets you have are?
[] cat
[ ] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] rabbit
[ ] fish
[ ] Bird
[* ] other
Clothes you like to wear are?
[*] plain t shirts
[*] sweatshirts
[ ] stockings
[] high heels
[] boots
[*] sneakers
[*] jeans
[*] pj pants
[*] boxers
[*] underwear
[*] dresses
[*] mini skirts
[* ] long skirts-to the knees
[ ] watches
[*] necklace
[] hoop earrings
[] toe socks
[*] flip flops
[*] halter tops
[ ] stilletos
[*] band shirts
[*] shorts
[*] sleeveless shirts
How do you like to wear your hair?
[*] down
[*] ponytail
[] pigtails
[*] messy bun
[] half ponytail
[] scrunched/curly
[*] bun
[*] crimped
[ ] with a bandana
[* ] French braids
[ ] lots of little braids
[ ] Gel
[] hat
[ ] messy hot guy hair
[] sex hair
You're mostly labeled as?
[ ] goth
[ ] emo
[* ] prep
[ ] punk
[ ] hippie
[ ] nerd
[ *] ditzy
[ ] hyper
[*] happy
[ *] everything
[] I hate labels! I'm just me!!!
[*] I have no idea
You eat?
[* ] dessert every night
[ ] no meat
[ ] diet stuff
[* ] healthy foods
[*] junk foods
[*] a lot of carbs
[] lots of meat
[*] salad
[*] seafood
[] Mountain Dew
A typical Friday night...
[] mall with your friends
[*] partying
[ *] watching movies
[ ] going to the club
[ *] staying home....IM BROKE
[ ] babysitting and getting $$
[*] hanging out w/ my friends
[] hanging out w/ your boyfriend/girlfriend
[ **] working while your friends are out having fun
Currently you are...
[] in a relationship
[*] single and lovin it
[ *] crushing
[ *] single and looking for someone
[ ] just broke up... and so sad about it
Online, you use:
[*] lol
[ ] sup
[ ] =D
[*] lmao
[ ] stfu
[ ] ty
[] j/k
[*] ttyl
[] g2g
[ ] ^^
[ ] T_T
[ ] x_x
[ ] ^_^