Sep 15, 2008 00:18
sheet beetch, where have i been?!
(i know, right? this whole aloof thing is really getting out of hand.)
well, i am happy to say that my fulbright application is complete and submitted.
...well, i do have my interview in two weeks.
(as well as my first french exam which is already stressing me out and killing me softly.)
basically, my computer is broken.
so i'm pretty much never around a computer unless i have to be.
(like tonight, to submit my application.)
it's liberating in a sense.
yerma rehearsals started today. if i wasn't busy enough.
i've had a very interesting weekend thus far.
i know i have a ton of work.
i remember telling myself that i had a ton of work.
however, in this moment, i can't seem to think of what any of it is!
i know.
still though, it is such a good time.
i have been so incredibly busy.
i never know how i do it or who is helping me, but i know someone out there's got my back.