i have been keeping four male and five female guppies ("the birds") in the same tank for the last six months or so. it's rumored that guppies reproduce like bunnies, but after a few months of waiting i came to accept that my birdies are sterile.
i've been out of town for the past week. when i got back earlier today, i found one of the males dead in a corner of the tank and decided i should clean it out entirely. after i moved the remaining birdies (six - two females died a while back, too) to a smaller bowl, i emptied the tank into the bathtub - and in the process, found a single TINY thing swimming in the water. only one.
i see three possibilities:
- Tiny is the corporeal reincarnation of the recently deceased male.
- Tiny spontaneously arose from the muck growing on the side of the tank.
- Tiny is one hardcore little guppy baby who was born from sterile birdies, escaped their jaws (they eat their young), and has been living on his own with no special baby care for some time.
(in case you're wondering why i wanted many many guppies: i wanted to see if i could keep a sustainable food source for a snake that i may have in the future.)