things are good. school ended a few weeks ago and i've been working full-time at my research job. the weather has been spectacular - a few days ago i noticed grayness and pouring rain out the window as i left work, and by the time i got outside the rain was coming in gigantic drops directly overhead but the sun was full out in the west and it was broad daylight. i turned east to see a gorgeous double rainbow over the philly skyline :D
last sunday, moved into Highrise South with my freshman-year roommate Florence!! we're on the seventeenth floor in
this kind of room (in fact, my bedroom window is just like that one, facing north - suuuuch an amazing view). 2 single bedrooms and a common room with kitchen space, and of course a bathroom. we almost ended up with a different room down the hall - two single bedrooms, a bathroom, and nothing else - but we complained like crazy because neither of us have dining plans, and we got this palace instead. and we have been cooking up storms ever since - plantains, dirty rice, brown sugar chicken, chocolate-covered strawberries and chocolate fudge pudding cake have been the highlights so far.
and there have been scavenging adventures:
monday night we noticed a pile of stuff in our hallway left behind by the seniors who were moving out. we grabbed some big mixing bowls that we liked (two sweet Ikea plates too), and decided that was all we wanted. later on, though, we realized we would have liked something to put in our bathtub to hold all our supplies; we remembered a little plastic shelving unit and went out to find it, but it was gone.
we realized we had to do every floor, top to bottom. 24 floors baby.
and we did - we took the stairs down every floor, occasionally making trips back to the room to drop off our loot.
here's Flo with our excellent new mixing bowl (and cookies!)
a new unit to hold some food (the cabinets and fridge are also stuffed)
this is where it got competitive. we weren't the only scavengers, but it seems we started earlier than others. when we hit the 22nd floor we found this lovely drawer unit and decided we would come back to get it at the end if we didn't find anything we liked better. we headed back up after we hit the first floor, and stepped out of our elevator to find a guy in another elevator (which was honking at him for having it open too long) holding the door for his friend, who was trying to drag this beautiful piece of furniture into the elevator. the door guy yelled at him to get into the elevator and he did, and they left. Flo hit the down elevator button and we grabbed it right away and had it in our room within two minutes. a little later we had it in the hallway of our apartment and the door was open, and we heard the same guys hitting up our hall. we closed the door and decided rock-paper-scissors would determine who got it if they started knocking on doors looking for it, but they never came. whew.
(now it holds miscellaneous dishes - we have a lot)
the table and the glass cover were totally separate - on different floors. our room is so beautiful that Flo even went to get flowers :D
this is Ziyaad and the Goblet of Honor. it came with our Ikea bowls. it's so damn tacky.
hehe. me and Z and the Goblet of Honor.
oh, this is what we ended up finding for our bathtub. it fits perfectly.
unfortunately this did not fit anywhere in our common room, but now i have a nice place to display my motley tea set :D
aaaaand my wall of window. so beautiful.