Aug 15, 2006 05:16
so i went to citgo this morning to get some breakfast and mira was looking crabby and i asked what was wrong like i alllllways do for her and she was mad cause she had to come in on sat for me cause i was sick. well i said you didn't have to come in . and shes like well i was the only one here. i said ' so they can close the store' and then she complained of how she was so tired from having no sleep that day and having to work. i was think ummmm that was sat... three days ago don't be a bitch about something that happened three days ago when you could have slept all day the next day. i've had to do it too mira. besides she wants more hours. i just love how people hate getting more hours and complain about it but then write t notes about how they want more hours. so in that respect.... theres an open position for night camera that would be from 4-midnight. no more midnight shifts for me then. though it would not give me a lot of night free time but hey no more citgo and thats the goal here. so we'll see if i can do that.