Well, it is 1am, all presents have been opened, and such. GUESS WHAT?? I got a new phone!!! It's a flip phone, which i briefly mentioned to my parents and they definitely remembered! Wow, sometimes, parents are magical. I will send you all my cell number as soon as I know about it. lol.
Ok so here is my rant about the guy I like..his name is Eric (yes), and he is the cutest thing since "Furbies"...except less scary and intimidating...and ugly haha. Plus, he doesnt threaten little kids, like in the Simpsons haha.
Yes those are of us...the 2nd one, I told him to be as ghetto as possible haha...he's not very good at it...me neither for a moment lol.
He is the only guy I know so far (other than my best friend, Justin) who will text message me at 12:30am today...and on other days, just to ask me how I am...and hope that I have a fun week. Wow. I wish guys in my own grade were that mature!! That doesnt work out that way lol.
So anyways, before I start babbling about him, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you, and I love each and everyone of you....well...yea of course I do haha. Have an awsum day!!!