Chlollie Fanfic: Love for Realsies, Chapter 26 (Final Chapter)

Oct 27, 2010 02:01

Wow.  I'm actually kind of lost for words right now.  One thing I do know is that I am soooooo gonna miss this story. :-(

To everyone who commented on it, and who voted for it to win 3 Chlollie Fanfic Awards, I can only say a massive, massive thank you for all your support and encouragement.  I wish I could cuddle each and every one of you. *hugs*

...and I'm pretty sure no-one is actually reading this, so I'll just go ahead and post the darned thing.  ;-)

Enjoy!  The usual Smut disclaimer: Chapter is rated NC-17, so no minors here.

Title:             Love for Realsies ***Winner of 3 Chlollie Fanfic Awards***

Author:         BabyDee
Pairing:          Chlollie

Rating:           NC-17. Sequel to Just for Funsies.

Warnings:    Graphic Sexxors

Timeline:     Season 9 (Conspiracy- Checkmate) and beyond

Disclaimer:   All characters belong to the CW & DC comics.

Summary:     Chloe finds it increasingly difficult to resist Ollie’s affections.

Feedback:      …is my applause. J

Read previous chapter here.

Read story from the beginning here.

Chapter 26

Oliver blinked and stared, half-happy, half-concerned as Chloe pulled his arms free of his clothing. Clearly, she was intent on getting him as naked as she was.

“Chloe, we can’t,” Oliver protested meekly as his t-shirt went over his head in one swift move.

“’Course we can,” she refuted carelessly, tossing it behind her. Her hands were on him before the garment hit the floor, stroking and kneading his shoulders as she pressed her lips to the pounding pulse at his throat. “Mmm…missed you so much…”

Oliver shuddered as she whispered against his sensitised skin. Shrouded emotions were suddenly uncovered and let loose to run rampant within him again. He tightened his arms around her, the ache in his groin going from nought to nagging in a nanosecond as her lips moved lover, planting quick, soft kisses on his chest.

“Chloe…” his voice came out rough; he cleared his throat and started again. “Chloe honey, you’re hurt; you’re covered in cuts and bruises -”

“I don’t care,” she said stubbornly, sucking his nipple into her mouth. Oliver’s skin heated dangerously as lips evoked raw passion in him, notching that nagging ache up to nuclear until there was a very real threat that he might spontaneously combust.

Still he tried to fight her corner. “Sweetie, you need to rest…” he trailed off, not trusting himself to speak as her hands swiftly unbuckled his belt, pulled it free of his trousers and dropped it unceremoniously on the floor.

“What I need is you, Ollie,” she insisted. “Right now. I don’t think you realise how empty I’ve been without you.” She popped the button and tugged down the zipper on his pants, and he tried hard to swallow past the sudden dryness in his throat.

“I’m beginning to have a fair idea,” he rasped as she pushed his briefs down and freed his turgid length. “But I think we should wait until you’re-”

He got no further. Chloe’s warm mouth surrounded him without warning and she sucked him in deeply, moaning as her mouth tightened around him and slid up and down his swollen shaft.

Oliver swore harshly, inhaling in a sharp hiss of pleasure. His nerve endings pulsed with raw need and he slid one hand into the soft waves of her hair, cradling her scalp as gently as he could. The warmth of her mouth on him…the moist, slow tug of her lips around his cock was the most pleasurable form of torture he’d ever experienced.

There was no shyness or hesitation on her part. One hand went around his waist, pulling him closer while her other hand slid between his thighs to cup and stroke his balls. And all the while, she worked his turgid flesh, sucking him strongly, moaning her pleasure even as she brought him pleasure.

It wasn’t long before his orgasm threatened to overtake him. As soon as he felt the tell-tale shift in his nerves he lifted her head from him and rose to his feet, carrying her off the floor and into his arms in one fluid move. Three quick strides took him to the foot of the bed, where he carefully set her down before lying beside her.

He stared long and hard at her lush nakedness, running a hand freely down her body. God, there were so many ways he wanted to pleasure her, but those two agonisingly long weeks of denial had put paid to his hard-won control, and he just knew that he wasn’t going to last more than a few minutes.

His roaming hand smoothed over her belly and beyond, lightly teasing the soft curls that covered her sex. He slid two fingers into her moist warmth, relieved beyond words to find her slick and hot and ready for him.

Chloe whimpered at his probing touch and arched her back, spreading her thighs for him. He moved over her, linking his hand with her uninjured one on the pillow just above her head. With his other hand he carefully guided himself inside her, his eyes closing in pleasure as he pressed slowly forward into her tight, slick sheath.

Chloe gave a long, drawn-out moan as he sank into her, and he stilled.

“You okay?” he asked in a rough whisper.

She nodded insistently. “I’m fine…I’m fine. That was a pleasure moan.”

He grinned. “I thought it was, but I wanted to be sure.” He shifted his hand to her waist, holding her carefully just above the bruise on her hip.

“You’ll have to let me know if I hurt you,” he said raggedly. “I’ll try to go slow, but-”

“Don’t.” Chloe lifted one leg and wrapped it around his waist, and suddenly he was all the way inside her, eliciting a harsh groan from him, and a quick mental prayer.

Thank goodness ‘slow’ wasn’t on the agenda tonight.

Oliver thrust into her hard, his hips pumping in a firm, steady rhythm. Chloe couldn’t get much leverage in her current position, but she moved with him as much as she could, hooking her injured arm around his neck and pulling him down for a deep, wet kiss.

“Can I say it?” he whispered against her lips as he made love to her. “The ‘L’ word?”

She grinned. “You can say it as often as you like,” she reassured him. “I’m okay with it now.”

He paused. “You’re not gonna get sick, or flee, or yell at me…?”

“No!” she laughed, pinching his arm. “No panicking, I promise. Keep moving.”

His hand left hers and he cradled her cheek in his palm as he plunged deep. “In that case, I love you, Chloe Sullivan,” he said thickly, edging towards fulfilment. “I love you like I never thought possible.”

Chloe smiled up at him, her eyes glistening as she took his face in both her hands. “Everything you feel for me, I feel for you, Oliver,” she whispered, staring into his eyes. “Wholly and completely.”

Oliver’s hips stuttered and he pounded into her fiercely as intense release surged through his entire body, flooding his nerves with pleasure unrivalled. His voice rose, calling her name in a hoarse groan as raw, sensual energy coursed through him. He heard Chloe cry out beneath him, felt her inner muscles clenching around him and almost wept with the beauty and intensity of it all. It was as though both of them had existed entirely for this very moment; fused in ecstasy, united in spirit…and he never, ever wanted it to end.


He was roused by a hand stroking his sweaty back.

Oliver slowly came to, blinking through the thick haze till his vision cleared and he could see the smiling face of the blonde beneath him.

“Welcome back,” she grinned. “I thought I’d lost you there.”

He blinked again…slowly. “Did I just black out?” he said sheepishly, reddening as she nodded in amusement.

“Yep, for about a minute. Now I know why they call it ‘The Little Death.’”

He chuckled. “It certainly felt like I wasn’t going to survive it, at one point, so…yeah, I guess that would be a pretty accurate description.”

She smiled and stroked his hair. “Cool. So, was it like people say? Did you see your whole life flash before your eyes?”

He stared down at her, rubbing his thumb gently along the side of her waist. “Yeah, kinda.”

Her eyes widened and she sat up, resting on her elbow. “Really? What bits of your past did you manage to remember?”

Oliver was silent for several seconds before taking her left hand and toying idly with her fingers.

“I didn’t see my past, Chloe,” he said gently, lifting her hand and staring pointedly at her third finger. “I saw my future. Our future.”

Chloe stared at him, looking shocked, and for one split second he thought he’d come on too strong again and scared her back into that damned shell of hers. He held his breath and tensed, mentally preparing himself for her inevitable bolt for the bathroom.

But then her lips lifted in a slow smile, as did her eyes. “Wow. That must have been some orgasm.”

Oliver was silent for all of three seconds. Then he burst out laughing, yanked her down and crawled on top of her, ruffling her tousled hair.

“I love you, Chloe; you do know that, don’t you?” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

She nodded. “Mmm-hmm. And you know I feel the same way about you, right?”

He sighed and smiled, his heart bursting with happiness. “Mmm-hmm,” he mimicked. “What with you crashing though my window, baring it all - literally, talking yourself hoarse, and serenading me with cheesy love songs…hmm…” he made an exaggerated thoughtful face, and nodded. “Yeah, I think I got the picture.”

Chloe blushed and held her rapidly warming cheeks in her hands. “I didn’t actually sing to you, didn’t I?” she groaned, clearly embarrassed in retrospect.

He nodded. “Yep, you did. It was the most surreal thing I’d ever seen. I mean, if nothing else had convinced me you loved me, that certainly would have sealed the deal.”

She nodded, red-faced. “Well…just as long as you know…” she said sheepishly.

Oliver tilted his head and studied her carefully. “You really are a little bit crazy, though,” he mused. “Wouldn’t it have been easier to just say I love you at the end of the day?”

She shrugged. “I suppose that’s what anyone else would have done,” she admitted.

“But you’re not like anyone else,” he said affectionately, stroking her hair and kissing the tip of her nose. “And for that I am infinitely grateful.”

Chloe grinned up at him and yawned, stretching slightly. To his great shame and dismay, Oliver remembered her injuries and quickly supported his weight on his arms.

“Are you comfortable?” he asked, concerned.

She nodded tiredly. “Very much so.”

“I really should tape your wrist back up…” he murmured thoughtfully.

Triumphantly she lifted her bruised hand and rotated her wrist. “The swelling’s already gone down, Ollie. I’m good.”

Still he persisted. “I just want to make sure I’m not pressing on any of your bruises-”

Chloe threw up her hands in exasperation. “Fine, you win,” she grumbled. “Let’s switch places, since you obviously won’t rest until you’re convinced you’re not squishing me like a pancake.”

Oliver grinned and rolled over onto his back, pulling her on top of him.

“Much better,” he said. “For my peace of mind, at least.”

“You’re welcome,” she said wearily as she settled over him. “Now go to sleep.”

He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.” He rested a hand on the swell of her bottom, keeping her in place. Chloe took a deep breath, and he could feel her limbs beginning to relax as post-orgasmic lassitude set in.

“I love you, Chloe Sullivan,” he declared.

She smiled against his chest. “Ditto, Oliver Queen.” About a minute later, her heartbeat slowed down to a resting pace as her breathing steadied as she slipped from consciousness to non-consciousness.

“Do you love me, Chloe?” he whispered.

“Mmm-hmm,” she mumbled sleepily.

“How much?” he prodded quietly.

“…all my heart,” she replied, tucking an arm around him comfortably. “…my soul, spirit…mind…body…” she drifted off in his arms and he tightened his around her, satisfied.

It would do for now. Whilst it wasn’t ideal, he had more than enough proof of her true feelings. He didn’t need to get hung up on three poxy words. She would say them when she was ready.

After all, he thought for the millionth time since he’d fallen in love with the woman in his arms, he was a patient man. He’d waited this long, and gotten more than he’d ever dreamed he would out of her.

All in good time, he decided as his eyelids drooped and slowly drifted shut.

He could wait.


The End.

PS: Refresh your memories with the sequels,

Pillow Talkisies
Over The Linesies, and
Taking Turnsies

(in that order...even though they weren't written that way!)

~It's been fun! :-D ~


chlollie, smallville, chloe, oliver, fanfic, series:funsiesseries, loveforrealsies

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