Chlollie Fanfic: Up to Tricksies, Chapter 4

Apr 17, 2014 10:57

Greetings, my lovelies! :-)

Sorry for the delay in getting this out.  I had it all written at one point, but it just didn't feel right so I deleted it all.  I've rewritten it now and I'm happy with how it's turned out. This update's a bit short, but I should have the following chapter ready within a week or so, fingers crossed.

Enjoy!  Be warned: fireworks ahead. Loud, explosive, fiery ones. :-\

Awesome banner by ellashy.

Title:              Up to Tricksies
Author:          BabyDee1
Pairing:          Chlollie
Rating:           PG-13 for language
Warnings:     None
Timeline:      FutureFic
Disclaimer:   All characters belong to the CW & DC comics. 
Summary:     Through covert scheming and careful planning (or not!), Oliver Queen finally gets his wish.  Sixth story in the Funsies Series
Feedback:      …is a terrible thing to keep to yourself. ;-)

Read previous chapter here.
Read story from the beginning here.

Previously:  “ Chloe…I think you’re pregnant.”

Chapter 4

“Pregnant?” Clark and Lois echoed simultaneously.

Chloe stared at him as if he’d grown two heads.  “Come again?” she said, baffled.

Oliver smiled. “You’re pregnant, Chloe.”

"Are you?" Lois squealed excitedly, ignoring the cell phone in her pocket which had begun to ring insistently. “Really?  Omigosh, congratulations, you two! So that’s why you’re so boobalicious, it all makes sense now!”

Chloe didn’t answer her.  Clark just stared open-mouthed from the other side of the room, and Oliver ignored Lois altogether.  He studied Chloe as a series of emotions flitted across her face: shock, followed by a brief flash of elation, quickly chased away by doubt and disbelief which remained.

“That’s impossible," she finally replied. "I’ve got active contraception, and there’s no way it can fail.”

“I think you’ll find that it ran its course about…six to eight weeks ago,” he said, looking sheepish.

Lois’s phone rang shrilly again, earning her stern warning glares from the other three occupants of the room.  “Sorry,” she apologised as she rejected the call.  “Work.  You were saying something about expired contraception?”

“Nothing’s expired.  I have a reminder in my phone for that, so I would know if it’s time to be replaced,” Chloe said confidently.  She flipped her phone open and accessed her calendar, and Oliver flushed guiltily as a confused frown creased her brow. “That’s funny…where’s it gone?”

“Now, promise me you won’t get mad,” he began hesitantly.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.  “Oliver Jonas Queen, what have you done?” she said sternly.

“I, um…I deleted your reminder to get your contraceptive implant replaced,” he confessed.

There was a collective gasp from around the room.  Lois’s phone interrupted again, and was once more ignored.

“You did what?” Chloe whispered, her jaw slack and her eyes wide.

He took a deep breath.  “I deleted it.”


Chloe stared at him in stony silence. Her chest started to rise and fall rapidly as the full ramification of his actions slowly sank in.  Out of the corner of his eye, Oliver saw Lois look furtively over at Clark and use her thumb to draw a line across her throat.

She's right, Oliver thought as Chloe's expression got darker and darker. I am so dead.

Finally Chloe broke the silence.

“How could you?” she whispered.

Oliver gulped and took a step back.  “Now, Chloe…”

“How could you?” she screamed.  She lunged at him, knocking them both over in the process, and her fists started flying as she pummelled him on the chest.  “How could you do that to me?  How dare you!”

“Just listen to me-!”

“Listen to you?” she yelled.  Her fist were everywhere, thumping him over and over.  “I hate you!”

“Chloe, please don’t upset yourself,” he pleaded, trying vainly to calm her down.  “It isn’t good for the baby.”

Big mistake.  Across the room he could hear Clark and Lois gasp, further affirming his error.  His peripheral vision caught sight of Chloe’s right arm swinging in a wide arc, and before he could properly process its intent, the back of her hand connected squarely with his right cheek.


Oliver had been hit in the face before.  Many times.  It was an occupational hazard of the superhero trade.

But in all those instances, he’d had the opportunity to anticipate the attack, and thus brace himself for the blow if and when it landed.  He’d also had the added advantage of launching an adrenalin-fuelled counter attack against his assailant.

Neither of those were options in this case.  His face stung with the force of his wife’s back-handed slap, causing stars to burst out behind his eyes.  The right one actually felt like it had exploded in the socket.  He would probably be wearing an eye patch for weeks.

“Chloe, that’s enough!” Clark shouted.  Oliver felt a weight lifted from him, and managed to crack his left eye open to see Clark literally, albeit carefully, carrying her to the other side of the room.

“Oh, sure!” she said scathingly as she wriggled out of Clark’s arms.  “Take his fucking side, why don’tcha!”

“I’m not taking sides, Chloe, I just think this can be resolved without either of you getting hurt.”

“Oh, really?” she scoffed.  “Well, I’ll remember that when I’m wracked in the throes of the pain of childbirth!”

Oliver blanched, and she folded her arms and glared.  “Didn’t think about subjecting me to that, did you?”  She dropped onto the sofa and held her head in her hands.  “God, you didn’t even think to ask if I wanted this baby at all!”

Oliver felt the blood drained from his face.  It had never occurred to him that she might actually…

Lois’s thoughts must have echoed his, because she sat beside her cousin and took her hands.  “Chloe…don’t you want this baby?” she asked gently.

“Getting rid of it is not an option,” she replied stonily, which made Oliver - and the others - sigh in relief.

“Then why are you so unhappy?” Lois queried.

“Because that man is supposed to love me, Lois,” she said, pointing a shaky finger at him.  “He’s meant to put my needs above everything, including his own.  Instead, he deceived and ambushed me into becoming pregnant when he knew I wasn’t ready.  Why would he do that?  Who does something so horrible to someone they claim to love?”

Oliver swallowed.  “Chloe, I just wanted to start a family with you.”

Chloe fixed him with a stony glare.  “Oh, and I suppose I don’t need to be consulted on that, do I?” she said, rising to her feet and clenching her fists.  “After all, I’m only the damn mother here.”

“Just stay calm, Chloe,” Clark said.  “Please.”

Chloe took a deep breath and relaxed.  Just as she was about sitting back down on the sofa, Lois’s phone rang again, the shrilly tone permeating the silence.

Chloe glared at her cousin.  “If you don’t answer that phone right now, I swear, it’s going out the window,” she threatened.

“Sorry, cuz.”  Lois went out onto the balcony to answer the call.  As soon as her back was turned, Chloe turned to Clark.

“Clark, I need you to zip over to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test for me,” she said, urgently.  “There’s still an outside chance I might be worrying for nothing.”

“I’m on it.”  He was out the door in a whoosh.

Oliver took a tentative step towards her, but she stopped him with a raised hand.

I don’t want to see you right now,” she said bitterly.  “I don’t want to talk to you, I can’t even bear to look at you.  Just…get out of my sight.”

He swallowed.  “Chloe, please just let me explain...”

“You have no right to ask anything of me, not after what you did,” she said stonily.  “You’d better pray for the sake of our marriage that that test comes back negative.”


Chapter 5

chlollie, chloe, uptotricksies, funsiesverse, series:funsiesseries, smallville, rated:pg13, oliver, fanfic

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