Chlollie Fanfic: Beauty in the Breakdown X - Snow Angel, Chapter 8/8

Jan 03, 2014 14:59

Hola, Peeps,

Happy New Year!  Wish all of you the very best of things in 2014.

Here's the last chapter of Snow Angel. Apologies, I'd meant for this to be my last post of 2013.  No worries, though; I'll start the year as I mean to go on! :-)

Enjoy.  Once again, many thanks to ellashy for her wonderful banner, and to all of you for your very kind comments. *group-smish*

Title:              Beauty in the Breakdown X: Snow Angel
Author:         BabyDee1
Pairing:          Chlollie
Rating:           PG13
Warnings:     ***Angst*** A re-telling of Chlollie post-Warrior
Timeline:      Season 9
Disclaimer:   All characters belong to the CW & DC comics. 
Series Summary:     With Oliver by her side, Chloe learns to let go, find peace, and fall in love.  Tenth story in the BITB Series. 
Story Summary: Very early into their marriage, Chloe and Oliver suffer a crippling loss.  Very angsty

Feedback:      …Always.  :)

Read previous chapter here.
Read story from the beginning here.

Chapter 8

Who would you be?
What would you look like?
Would you have my smile and her eyes?
Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you,
I'm always asking why this crazy world had to lose,
Such a ray of light we never knew
Gone too soon…

-         Gone too soon, by Daughtry


Chloe rested her head on her husband’s heart and listened to the sound of his breathing.  The steady, even rise and fall of his chest was usually a comfort to her, but on this occasion it was giving her cause for concern, because it was clear to her that he was wide awake.

It had been a difficult day for both of them, but Oliver’s love and infinite patience had helped her come to terms with their devastating loss.  He’d done more than just comfort her tonight; he’d given her a lifeline, given her hope, just as he had done the day he’d invited her into his arms for the very first time.  He had done everything to ensure that she grieved and was consoled, but she wasn’t the only person who had lost something here today; Oliver’s baby had died, too.  And even as he gently stroked her hair and tried to get her to sleep, she could feel the tension in his body, evidence that he was yet to give in to his own grief.

He couldn’t sleep.  And there was no way she could either, knowing he was lying beside her in unimaginable pain.  Clearly he was trying to be strong for her, but if he felt even half as bad as she’d felt earlier tonight, then he was probably drowning in sorrow and grief.

Well, screw that, she thought determinedly.  She wasn’t going to lie here and let her husband suffer in silence.  He had saved her; it was time for her to do the same for him.


She wasn’t sleeping.

Oliver frowned into the darkness.  He could feel no tension in her body, and her breathing was relaxed and even.  He knew she had turned a corner in terms of her grief, and even though the pain would never go away, he could feel that she had made peace with herself.

So what was keeping her from sleep?

As if he’d spoken aloud, he felt her slowly turn and shift in bed, inching upwards until his head was level with her shoulder.  His frown deepened; that was no easy feat, considering he was more than a foot taller that she was.  He tensed and started to sit up, but she stilled him with a hand on his chest, then slowly lifted her fingers and feathered them through his hair.  She slipped her other arm under his head until he was all but cradled in her arms.

Then she spoke.

“I will love you in times of sorrow and in times of joy; in times of pleasure and in times of pain; in times of plenty and in times of need,” she whispered.

Oliver inhaled sharply as she recited the vows he had spoken to her on their wedding day.  He opened his mouth to speak, but she rested a finger on his lips and continued.

“In the unpredictable sea of life, I will hold fast to your hand and never release it,” she said quietly.  In the darkness her fingers found his and linked tightly with them, and then it hit him with a start.

She was trying to comfort him.

Oliver swallowed.  He couldn’t cry, not in front of her.  He was her husband; it was his duty to be strong, to look after her and take away her pain.   If he broke down now, the fragile strength and resilience he had managed to dredge up and offer her would be shattered.  He couldn’t risk upsetting her all over again.  He would grieve, just… not where she could see him.

But she seemed determined not to let the night pass without getting him to facing his feelings.

“We are united in love; and in the strength of that love, and in the faith of this union, I declare that any and every storm that life puts us through, we will weather together, as One.”

Oliver couldn’t hold back anymore.  Grief and pain roiled up in him and barrelled its way to the surface, breaching the floodgates.  A cry of agony was torn from him as he wept for the child that had been taken from them, and thought bleakly of a future that was now forever altered by yet another painful loss.

“I’m here,” Chloe whispered.  Her fingertips soothed his scalp and her soft words of comfort drew even more ruptured sobs from him, his tears dampening her pyjamas.  She cradled his head to her bosom and gently rocked him back and forth; warm tears from her eyes trickled through his hair, and he realised she was reliving the awful pain all over again.

“I’m sorry,” he sobbed.  “I’m so sorry…”

“You’ve nothing to apologise for,” she whispered brokenly.  “We’re going to get through this; together.  I promise.  We’re going to be okay.”

“I can’t stop thinking about her,” mumbled between sobs.  “From the moment I knew about her, I loved her, so much.  I had her whole life mapped out in my head, from her first day through kindergarten, high school and college...

He rambled on, his mind’s eye full of images of an amazing young woman with Chloe’s eyes and his dimpled chin.  A beautiful girl; strong and healthy, with his superior physical agility and an intellect to match her mother’s.  To have that life, that future taken away from them...

“She would have been so beautiful,” he whispered, his vision blurred by tears.

“I know,” Chloe replied.  “I miss our baby, too.”

Oliver clung to his wife and drew strength from her slim frame.  He felt the same overwhelming grief that had crippled him when his parents had died…but with a difference.  This time, he wasn’t alone.  He had Chloe; a light in the darkness to guide him back out into the sunshine, and he knew that he was going to be okay.  They were both going to be okay.


Eventually, his tears subsided.  Chloe turned on the lamp and used the sleeve of her pyjamas to blot away his lingering tears, and tenderly kissed his forehead.

“You okay?” she asked.

“I will be.”  He rested a hand on her damp bosom and grimaced.  “Ugh.  Send me the dry-cleaning bill for this, will you?”

Chloe stared at him with wide eyes, and suddenly they both burst out laughing as the familiar words stirred up memories of not so long ago.  Together they laughed, thinking back to that impromptu archery lesson, and the first time they were intimate…baby powder fights and declarations of love; dealing with jealous exes and concerned friends and family, all the way up until their whirlwind marriage.  Had it really been less than six months since that first kiss?

Gradually the laughter died down, and Chloe smiled.  “I never thought I’d hear you laugh again,” she said, stroking his jaw with her thumb.  “Good to have you back, honey.”

“You brought me back,” he replied solemnly.

She smiled.  “You did the same for me, I’m just returning the favour.”

His heart swelled with love for her, and he pulled her close.  “Thank you, Chloe.  Thank you for loving me, for knowing me the way you do.”

She tightened her arms around his waist.  “Ditto.”

There was still much to be talked about, but the worst of the storm was over.  In silent agreement, both of them lay down and Oliver reached out and turned off the bedside lamp.

This time, when their arms went around each other, there was no more tension.


The End.

Read the next instalment, BITB 11: Baby Love

(…See?  I told you I’d make it all better!) ;-)


snowangel, chlollie, chloe, angst, smallville, rated:pg13, oliver, fanfic, beautyinthebreakdown

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