First of all - IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! *pops champagne*
Many thanks to all of you who've already sent me some lovely birthday messages and posts, I really appreciate it. I'll get around to doing a birthday post sometime later in the day (or week)!
But more on that later. Right now, it's time for a fanfic update, after which I and The Man shall be off to see the afternoon showing of Man of Steel, baby!!! :-D
Fanfic Homework Updates, 14.06.12
1. Say the Wordsies (Chlollie) - completed, 3 chapters
2. Crisis (Chlark) - completed, 5 chapters
3. Orchestrato (Chlex) - updated, 5 chapters
4. All The Way (Chlark) - updated, 3 chapters
5. The Fallen Sky (Chlark) - updated, 4 chapters
Current WIPs
1. The Fallen Sky (Chlark) - recently updated
2. All The Way (Chlark) - recently updated
3. Orchestrato (Chlex) - recently updated
Charity Fics/Pledged Projects
1. Orchestrato (Chlex) for
kitmerlot1213 - in progress
2 All The Way (Chlark) for
ellyfanfiction - in progress
3. Reanimation (Chlark/Kaloe) for
selene24. Consensus (Chlex) for
massena1 New Projects for Later
Crisis II - The Healing (Chlark) - multi-chapter
BITB X: Snow Angel (Chlollie) - multi-chapter
Altitude (Clex) - oneshot
White Rose (Chlark) - oneshot
Soulmates (Chlark) - oneshot
Redemption (Chlollie) - multi-chapter
Lover of my Soul (Chlark) - multi-chapter
Up to Tricksies (Chlollie) - multi-chapter
Disclaimer: Story order subject to change.
For the first time in a long time, I have less than 4 four stories on the go - YAY! In all honesty, that’s a bit of a smokescreen as my list of ‘new’ projects are actually all continuations to existing stories. I’ll try and work on the shorter sequels along-side the current WIPs before I return to the longer stories this time. :-)
As predicted, I won’t be doing the
smallvillebbang this year as I just won’t have the time to do the story justice, and it puts me under intense pressure to complete within the time-frame allotted. I’ll be sure to show my support to those who do take part, and hopefully I can prepare something for next year’s challenge.
I’ll be taking a hiatus from fanfic updates, though I hope to finish at least Orchestrato before I go on my extended break. I have every intention of finishing my current WIPs, and I have a few more chapters to post on both my Chlark stories before then, as well.
So the first part of Crisis is officially done, but the story is far from over. I’ve split it into two, because the second half will be a lot less traumatic than the first, even though there will still be an element of angst in it, but will a whole different feel. I hope to get back to it later this year, but in all honesty we’re probably look at early January 2014.
Once again, thanks for all comments & reviews on my stories! I cannot emphasise how encouraging it is to receive feedback, both positive and negative, and as long as y’all are reading, I hope to continue writing. If I haven’t gotten around to replying to your comments, rest assured that I will! It’s one of the advantages of taking this extended break; I can do some reading myself, for a change, and show my appreciation for all your feedback.
Later! And thanks again, you’re all awesome. *group-smish* :-)