Fanfic Homework Update - 21.09.11

Sep 21, 2011 12:55

Fanfic Homework List

Current WIPs
1. Update Crisis - done, 5 new chapters posted
2. Update Peach Bikini - Done, story now completed
3. Update Gravity - imminent; chapter written & being edited
4. Complete smallvillebbangsmallvillebbangfic Agenda - in progress
5. Update All The Way 
6. Update The Fallen Sky
7. Update Crisis

Charity Fics/Pledged Projects
1. All The Way (Chlark) for ellyfanfiction - in progress 
2. Gravity (Clex) for phoenixnz - in progress & close to completion
3. Agenda (Chlark) for legendarytobes& smallvillebbang  - in progress 
4. Orchestrato (Chlex) for kitmerlot1213 
5. Pillow Talksies (Chlollie) for sweet_jesus1 
6. Hidden Agenda (Chlex) for massena1
7. Sanguinary (Chlark) for legendarytobes
8. Say The Wordsies (Chlollie) for sweet_jesus1
9. Reanimation (Chlark/Kaloe) for selene2

New Projects for Later
Indelible Imagery (Chlark)
BITB VII: Sacred Words (Chlollie)
White Rose (Chlark) 
Disintegration (Chlollie) 
Soulmates (Chlark)
Altitude (Clex)

Disclaimer: Story order subject to change. Priority updates for Crisis by popular demand, though I may pepper you with the occasional oneshot or two if the Muses so decide.

I’ve taken one WIP off the table (Peach Bikini - huzzah!) and hope to do the same with Gravity shortly.  The next chapter’s written; all it needs is a thorough edit and it’ll be up.  However, I must focus on my Big Bang fic until the middle of October before I can begin anything new, so a mini-hiatus is imminent, I’m afraid.  The good news is that by the time I’m done, you’ll have a spanking brand-new Chlark fic to ease the pain of waiting. ;-)

Once Gravity and Agenda are done and dusted I’ll be embarking on my first ever Chlex venture. *bites nails*  kitmerlot1213has been so sweet and patient waiting for this fic, and I hope she likes what I come up with!  And of course, there’s lots more Chlollie on the horizon, as well. ;-)

As always, I plead for patience and thank you for your understanding. :-)


fanfic updates, smallville, homework, hiatus

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