Computer Withdrawal

Jul 15, 2011 17:27

I  have the opposite of Writer's Block.

Ideas, plotlines and chapters upon chapters of Chlark, Chlolle, Clex & Chlex dialogue are spinning through my head like a tornado on crack...and I have no laptop to write with.  I have a trusty notebook which I am rapidly filling with chapters of various updates, thus making very good use of my work commute, but the thought of having to transcribe the lot all over again makes me growl in frustration.  Simply put, I'm slowly going INSAAAAAAAAAANE. :-(

I think it's safe to say I'm a laptopaholic. *sniff*

In other news, thanks to slytherinpunk, cifan70, and the very kind anonymous donor of a chocolate userhead v-gift each!  I really do need them - it's the safest way to bite someone's head off, and in my computerless mood, that's pretty much the state I'm in. *see distressed-face icon*

[/End Whine]

And howz you all doin'? :-)

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