Took this one from Ariel

Dec 29, 2002 21:02

:: Personal Stuff ::
Name: Danielle
Age: 17
Gender: female
BirthDate: 1-11-85
Current Location: lacombe
Hair Color/style: dark brown- medium
Eye color: bluish greenish
Height: 5'4
Weight: we are so mot going there
Size shirt: depends
Size pants: haha
Size shoes: 7 1/2 to 8
How long have you had a journal online? for quite a while it seems
How long have you been online? years and years off and on
How long have you had your own web page? i used to have one back in the 9th grade but I don't anymore

:: Sex Related Stuff ::
Are you straight, bi, or gay? Straight
Woman - Bra Size (and guys if you know how to measure): 38C or D---depending on the bra
Guys - Size of your 'member':
Are you a virgin? no
If you answered yes...
Is this on purpose (ie, waiting till marriage)?
Explain above answer:
Do you know about the 'birds and the bees'?
How far have you gotten in a relationship:
If you answered no...
What age did you first have sex? 17
Do you regret it, or wish you waited longer? I don't regret it, as to wanting to have waited longer, I have no idea
Are you still with that man or woman? yes
Ever had sex with more then one person? if so, explain. no
What's the most crazy sexual thing you have done or place you've had sex? the park I guess
Is oral pleasure sex? no
If a girl has only had oral or anal sex, does that still make her a virgin? I'm not sure...I guess so b/c her cherry has not been popped
btw, if you thought that last question was stupid, check out

:: Fears ::
Are you afraid of...
the dark? just of what's in the dark
the light? no
water? deep water yes yes
heights? not really
ghosts? no
UFOs? no
Aliens? no
Spiders? yes
Snakes? yes
Rats/Mice? not so much
elevators? no
bridges? i guess not
dying? not dying but how it's gonna happen
getting older? not really
being lonely? ummm...
Anything else that your afraid of that isn't mentioned? so many things

:: Beliefs ::
What religeon are you? baptist
what is the reason behind it? i don't know, i guess cuz they make more sense than the other religions
Do you believe in (explain your answer, if you want)...
Ghosts? not really
UFOs? yes, if God created the whole universe then I'm sure that we aren't the only living things out there
Aliens? ^^^^
Heaven? yes
Hell? yes
Reincarnation? no
ESP? yeah
Witchcraft?? yes
Fate? yes

:: Choices ::
Choose one, and you can't say neither or give more then one...
Black/white: black
red/blue/green: blue
pink/purple/orange: pink
boobs/butts: butts
looks/personality: personality
James bond/austin powers: AUSTIN POWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
cats/dogs: dogs
sports car/SUV: sports car
flying/cruise: cruise
snow/no snow: snow
cold/hot: cold
Yahoo/MSN/AOL: msn
Instant Messaging/Message board/Mailing list/chat rooms: IM
coke/pepsi: coke
paper/plastic: plastic
cans/2-liters: cans
macintosh/pc: pc
windows/linux: windows
love and lost/never have loved at all: hmmm thats toughy so I wont answer that one

:: Experiences ::
Have you ever...
Seen a guy naked in real life? yeah
Seen a girl naked in real life? ? do i count?
Felt another guys privates? yes
Felt another girls boobs? no
Felt another girls privates? no
Kissed a guy? yes
Kissed a girl? on the cheek
Had sex in a pool or spa? Was it a public pool or spa? no
Had sex in a bathtub? no
Had sex in a public place? yes
Had sex in front of a camera? no
Been to a strip club? no
been so drunk you throw up? no
smoked weed? yuck
done heroine? no
done cocaine? no
done extasy? no
done DXM? no
done GHB? no
done acid? no
stolen anything? yes little things
been caught steeling anything? no
run over anything (like squirrels or rabbits)? yes...
gone skinny dipping? no
been cought speeding? yes

:: Favorites ::
What is your favorite (can say more then one)...
food: italian and japanese and taco bell
non-alcoholic drink: hawaiian punch and suicides at taco bell
alcoholic drink: so and sprite or southern comfort mixed with coke
sport: volleyball and badmitten
TV Program: many
TV Channel: cc
movie: there are many
game: uhh...
game type (ie, strategy, role-playing, FPS, etc) oh god, just shut up

:: Wishes ::
Five things you want for christmas that are reasonable (ie, nothing that costs 2 million)
1 (christmas already came but hey i'll put it for next christmas) PS2
2 Kingdom Hearts
3 a puppy
4 clothes
5 shoes
Five things you want for christmas if money was no object
1 2 more cars
2 a big big house
3 a trip somewhere awesome with Bobby
4 3 computers
5 stuff for my big big house
Five things you wish for if you could wish for anything (ie, bring a dead relative to life, go back to another time, special powers, etc)
1 being an actress
2 bring my daddy back and apologize to him
3 go back and have only wrecked the first car
4 self-cleaning room :D...thats a good one
5 i want to fly
Five things you are desperate for
1 to get out of here
2 money and lots of it
3 to be truly happy
4 to be married to Bobby
5 good grades
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