Jun 03, 2012 01:10
Nowadays, bedtime is my favorite part of the day and sometimes early mornings. Anything that contains you in it, either to end my day right by putting me to sleep happy or starting my day right by putting a smile on my face. Today is probably one of many favorite talks we had.
The fact that you talk to me about meeting your family, cousins first (standard procedure) then your family is something different. Then again, that shouldn't surprised me cause ever since day one, you've had it different than the rest. I would have prefer to meet the parents first then your cousins, since that was always the case with the other families i've met in the past ..but like you said "..it's different with me, i'll have it another way than the rest." This kind of talk is so surreal to me, because let's face it ..no one has ever met your fam ..and I feel so pressured to be the first. If ever, it does happen. Time will tell. Since you were excited talking about it, I on the other hand feel nervous now. It's not the kind of nervous you're thinking about though, but the kind of nervous that's excited and happy at the same time.
Sgh* there's no words that can even express how much I miss you right now. And having to have two different schedule this summer has hit the fan big time. It may seem like I don't miss you, but I really do. Just that I don't wanna come off clingy and show you this needy side of me that i'm trying to get rid of. But like you said, nothing to worry about cause no matter what we'll walk through it and will always make time.
As long as you're trying, i'm staying.
1011 ♥