Jun 16, 2004 01:18
hey you guys!!!!! golly i'm bored...first off jacky tabacky if u read this i loveeeee u!!!! yay
.....ummm well the good news is high school is over i mean finally no more 8hr days in the same hell hole with people i cant stand except for the handful that i could
......bad news is now i have nothing to do during the day and i feel like a bum i dont have a car to go anywhere and i hate asking my friends to take me around cause i feel like im using them but w/e hopefully my dad will come thru and get me a car i just might be nicer to him if he does lol that was mean
........well my hot guy i'm losing hope it's basically gonw but i just cant get over the fact i dont have him and i still want him everyday i see our stupid prom pic and it makes me sad that for some reason it never worked out
.....luckily i sorta met some one new we'll refer to him as old friend
...well whenever memorial wk end was was when i got reaquainted with old friend (ive known old friend since i was like 12 he's my mom's best friends son wierd ya) well we started talking and we hit it off we've been i dont know if i'm considering talking talking or just friends talking
.. i dont know ever since "him" talking to me has been taken to another level b/c he showed me that u can't just be talking to someone and not learn more in another level
.....i saw "him" the day before he left to duke for 6 weeks omg how i miss him he still knows me better than anyone ever has its amazing and i know he feels the same cuz we were freaking each other out w/ how much we knew each other, but i guess things happened the way they did for a reason
...yea so old friend right now is i think my main squeeze altho he's not parent approved like i said mom's best friends son mom and best friend for some reason gossip about their kids so they know all his badness this boy is "bad" in the decissions (i know i have like 50 billion spelling errors i thinks its the sleepyness or the fact that no more english class for a while lol)but yea u know those kids who are good kids they've just made a few bad decisions yup that him he's the sweetest most generous guy ever but hes sone somethings he shouldnt have and my family knows all of them which sucks for me cause i cant even play him off as an "angel" lol my dad said i'm too innocent for him lol if the old man only knew lol!!!! ha!
...alot of crap has been happening to me but its not that important..i do however feel like im in no doubts song "dont speak" lol how corny but its true i feel like i'm losing my best friend and it looks as tho shes letting go haha its tru how sad she's done a 180 i dnt know who she is anymore she's going down a different path and i never thought that day would come at least not so soon i thought when i was in my grave she would let loose....for a while i thought it was just me who noticed how much she was changing but yesterday our own "crew" told me wats up with her y is she changing and all i can say is i have no idea im just as lost as you.....i really do miss our friendship and wat it was before she got reaquainted to her new best friend...golly i really feel like i was just kicked out of the picture and as of right now it doesnt even feel like its going to back anytime soon....the sad part is she doesnt even realize what she's doing or how its affecting us but its ok cuz i know how her friendships go once it hits the rocks i for once in our four year relationship as best friends i wont be there like an idiot stcuk on her hip......
....ok well now i will bow out gracefully b/c i got myself mad poo