
Feb 17, 2008 09:23

I love mahjong. It's majority is about luck, but it has also got to do with some skill.

Skills that will help you:

1) Call faster by 2 to 3 steps so that you are ahead of people
2) Increase the number of callings
3) Using probability to determine which tiles to hold to speed up the calling, or tiles to throw to lower the risk of you paying or feeding the next player below you

It was the first time I learnt how to play the 2-dices method and a different system of counting at kevinexx place. Totally different from the cantonese way of using 3 dices and the system of counting 1-2, 2-4, 4-8, 8-16, 16-32 method where even the person who does not have to throw the winning tile still pay as well. But all in all, most of the rules don't change much. To win is the common ultimate goal. =p

Anyway, try to guess the calling tiles below:

QUESTION 1 (Beginner):

QUESTION 2 (Intermediate):

QUESTION 3 (Advanced):

QUESTION 4 (Expert 1):
-under construction -

I can't wait to teach anyone who wants to learn the shanghai mahjong where 4 joker tiles are inside as well. It gets more super complicating in the way you arrange your tiles and tremendously increases your tai and the number of callings and i totally like it. But I can only get to play shanghai mahjong once per year when my grandaunt comes to my house =(

Baby's mahjong history list

Primary 3 - start to count calling tiles
Primary 5 - start to understand rules
Sec 1 - start to call fast or learn to build
Sec 2 - start to play shanghai mahjong
Sec 4 - start to use simple probability to determine which tile to keep or throw instead of just playing according to what I want
JC1  - start to 'juu' the player below me if i want to (control tiles)
JC2 - start to count the number of steps it takes for me or the opponent(s) to roughly start calling
Army - start to pray for luck
University - carrying on praying for more luck
Working - start to earn money to couple with the skill and luck to get more money
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