My response to Cyndooooooooooooo

May 14, 2006 10:12

1.yes, nonsense is wonderful. like being in on a secret that no one else knows.
2.I've been the passenger for so long. It is weird that I drive now. the song is also fin sing while driving or being the passenger!
3.I want to see the Pink Dots. Don't know how I'm going to swing it. Oh, swing the heart ache! I'm absolutely and completely going to Attrition!
4. Hey! didn't we already go over this? Time to let go to the past and eat more corn!
5. I think of this as another sign of me haveing autism. Mom said I didn't like be held or cuddled when I was a baby I would just push against the whoever was holding me.
6. The more people realise this the better off we would all be. I'm sorry emo fucks you are not original. I wasn't oringinal either but hey I know that. I see something I like and make it mine.
7. See 4! Give up the ghost of the corn will ya!
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