type fast - she's sleeping

Aug 13, 2007 21:23

A previous comment suggested reflux so I did some searching for information.  At first, I thought yes, it makes sense, but now after reading information on kellymom.com, I'm not so sure.

She's gaining well, at least 1-2 oz a day.  She doesn't have pain when she spits up, her breath doesn't smell bad, she isn't sleeping less than usual, she's just generally unhappy when she's awake.  She doesn't burp excessively but burps after eating, often wet burps.  She spits up often, sometimes it has curds in it but most of the time it doesn't.  No projectile vomiting, no spitting up green or bloody fluid, no breast refusal.

But, she *does* spit up and gag/choke often, she *does* arch away and try to lean back, she doesn't want to sit and seems very uncomfortable when there is too much pressure on her tummy, like if her diaper is too tight around the waist.  I don't know if this is an upper GI/reflux problem, a lower GI/digestive/poop/gas problem, or just a cranky baby.

I bought gripe water today, alcohol free of course.  We gave her some before supper and she was calm for about 20 minutes afterwards, then started another crying/screaming jag.  I took her for a walk which she slept through and she's still asleep in her car seat.  We'll see how she does this evening and if she goes down for the night ok, or not :-/

I don't want to call my local LC and I have my doubts that seeing the doctor will be helpful but I'll make an appointment to see what she says.

breastfeeding, reflux, charlotte

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