and so 2014 begins

Jan 01, 2014 20:27

Ah yes, the type and delete disease, it's back.

Looking back at last year kind of blew my mind. I just can't sum up in words how BIG it all was, so much change, so many challenges, so may wonderful things.

Jack has been away working but finished early yesterday and drove home to spend New Year's with me. The girls were already in bed when Jack got home and well before midnight I was dozing off in a nest of warm fluffy blankets with Jack's arms around me.

Today I finished scrapbooking Julia's grade 6 pages and started planning her grade 5 pages for her annual album. I haven't scrapbooked in more than a year so this is good progress! I also managed to throw together a family 'Christmas letter' with pictures. Better late than never.

Work has been ..... calm, and I fear the storm is about to break. I haven't attended a birth in a month! My partner has had a few while I've been off or doing other things but my clients tend to cluster their births. I'll have at least 2 in the next two weeks I suspect.

We bought a car that I'll be driving to save money on gas and make parking easier. I'm excited to get the car but not looking forward to selling our minivan privately. Bleh.

A full clinic day tomorrow then the weekend to take down the Christmas tree and decorations, attend a birthday party, and try to take advantage of the one or two days of "warm" weather we're expecting (-11! woot!). It's supposed to be -41 with the windchill tonight - I would be quite happy if the babies could just stay where they are until it warms up a tad.

new year's, cold weather, work, births, scrapbooking

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