Jan 31, 2013 21:20
I've sutured, programmed an IV pump, searched for cervices with plastic speculums, poked baby heels, injected vitamin K into soft chubby baby thighs.
I've caught babies in water, in living rooms and bedrooms.
I've had women swear at me, threaten to bite me, cry on me, laugh with me, and thank me.
I've wiped a toddler's nose, given love to clients' pets, cleaned birth pools, and snuggled babies.
I've inspected placentas, mopped up amniotic fluid from a hardwood floor, rinsed out puke bowls, and bagged up bloody chux pads.
I've watched a father sing "Baby Mine" to his newborn as he sat in the birth pool with his wife, talked to proud new grandparents, and watched many women gently birth their babies with incredible strength.
I've watched a c-section, inspected sutured perineums, listened to babies gulping at the breast, and shown new dads how to swaddle their babies.
I've carried oxygen tanks and equipment bags into homes, filled out endless hospital paperwork, changed into scrubs, and consulted with OBs.
I've missed my family more than words can say, questioned my sanity, and I've wanted to just quit and go home several times.
But, 5 more weeks .... and I can likely add 'RM' to the tail end of my name, apply for a job, pack my own equipment bags and start looking for a home here for my family :-)