Oct 08, 2009 16:26
"I'm am the social worker for the children in your care and it's in your best interest that we try to get along"
Me,.. "Umm, that sounded like a threat,... are you threatening me???"
Jesus fucking christ,...all I want is for this inept person to DO HER JOB!!!
So listen up lady!!!!
I'm Sorry that I rocked your boat but, I did everything I am supposed to and I want to know what or when you are doing your end.
I do not want to be told that you have 38 kids on your case load and you are the worker for the kids and not me so I can go call someone else,... I don't want to be told so and so can do that when clearly so can you,.. you know, if you chose to.
Do not tell me how much I get paid per child per day,.. I know what I get paid and I also know how much you owe me that I spent out of my pocket so,.. what was the point of this other then to degrade me and elevate yourself to some unknow level for what ever reason??
Did you know I was in the hospital this week? Do you know how busy these kids are? Do you know anything about me or my life with the kids I call and treat as my own or,.. Did you just feel better in treating a stranger like shit and trying to put her in place for requesting reimbursement be done in a timely manner and checking on it when it was not.
Oh yeah,... did you know I do this out of the goodness of my heart and love for children you KNOW nothing about. Plus, now I have to trust that you will side with me and work with me in doing things in their best interest???
I have news for you lady,... I don't like you already because you are new and I like you even less because we got off on the whole wrong side of everything today!!