Sep 28, 2005 23:46
So i went to work today and that was boring as shit, my sinus infection is killin me still, i cant wait till im better.
I was on the phone with josh today, and im surprised hes been so calm. I have been such a bitch lately to him and i didnt even notice till tonight after like hanging up on him. I called him and appologized b/c im doing the same thing to him that my mom does to me. Takin my anger out on him. Im going to try to chill more with him, i just cant belivie he just sat there and took my non stop bitchyness for 3 days now. i would have hung up on him and told him to call me when hes not such an ass, then he said its ok that it makes him feel better that im gettin my anger out, which made me feel worse. He doesnt need that shit, and im actin just like my mom. So i need that to stop.
Anyways i dont kno why im so angry latly. Like its non stop with me. Then on top of that i looked threw high school yearbooks tonight, i kno thats why i am bitchy now, but whatever, i think im just a bitch. Ima shut up now tho, i dont need the world to read about my MAJOR bitch mood im in right now. Be on later