heres a long one for ya'

Mar 31, 2005 16:55

how come everything is so frickin sucky for me......(mad face, if i  knew how to make one) Every time i think my life is going good it just gets messed up. And im not just talking about the one obvious thing that got messed up lately, i mean everythingggggggg. And these stupid 12 year olds that are friends with the kid elise babysits keep IMing me and going, hu r u?. Im like WTF you imed me you retard, so dont frickin ask me who i am! and by the way its WHO not HOO or HU! my god!!!!!!! learn some gosh darn grammar!!!! and when they say bye to me they say BI. Bi means you like men and women, its not something you say when you are leaving someone, that would be goodBYE!!! geeeeeeeeeezus. do 12 year olds not learn anything now adays?? so now my blocked list is filled with like the whole 6th grade at swampscott middle school! and i have soo much studying and mr flannagan is frickin ruining my life becausse i HATE history and he doesnt even teach us anything, we read the stupid book, watch a few movies, do some reasearch ourselves and then we have a test?!?! just because he has pretty blonde hair he thinks hes the coolest guy in the world. and guess what.....hes not! AND!!! in addition to the test on monday we have to write an essay that goes along with the test due on tuesday!! god that man angers me. And i think ive gained about 30 pounds since track ended because i get no excersize so i go home, sit at the computer, and eat. and i have to determination to actually go to the gym and work out so im just going to have to live with being a peice of lard forever. and now i could start talking about how that "someone" made me mad/sad/P'OD!!!! but i really dont feel like going into it and i dont even know what i would say because it doesnt even make sense to me and im over it now and blah blah blah. thanks for your time. no one is actually going to read this. they will just look at it and say wow thats way to long ill just leave abby a comment and say k, thats long i didnt read it all, bye. But thats okay. really. im not usually this angry...only when loads of badness piles on me. k bye


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