Sep 20, 2004 09:32
You know a person can only take soo much walking on b4 they get so pissed off and depressed they can't even function. I mean what is with ungreatful ppl who get everything handed to them but yet still aren't happy and still want more. You work your ass off to give and give to a person, but its never enough they always want more and what they have isn't even close to makeing them happy. Why is it also that when your G/F-B/F or whatever is sick or has hurt themselves they expect you to serve them on a silver trey, but if you come down with something its like "god your fine get it yourself" "you'll be ok you can take care of the kid and the house and still work" (nevermind the fact my back is hurt so bad i can no longer stand up straight or that I am 7 months pregnant) Needless to say i don't get how ppl can be so needy yet give nothing back not even care or worry. Not to mention there is only soo much a person can do time and health wise. I work 2 jobs to pay all the bills and clean house and take care of the soon to be 2 kids and i am trying to go to school full time..Leaving no time to eat or sleep..But by god that video game of his he gets soo much done to bad its not real life...not a dish or laundry or a daiper can he change hell he can't even take his dishes to the sink. I just don't understand ppl I guess.