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Feb 26, 2006 22:58

well .. i have had a pretty good weekend spent mostly w/ J, of course=) but i miss my girls .. seems like we all never have time to get together anym0re. well, i always have the time haha but no one else does. oh well..

t0day i had to w0rk .. then lauren & i went to the tannin' bed and wal-mart to get s0me stuff for my new r|de. 0mg--i loove it! it's s0 fun to drive .. i let J drive it last nite, but he's the only other pers0n that is allowed to drive it haha.. seri0usly. anyways...then i came home & cleaned and showered & then i went over to J's h0use// we attempted to d0 some math h0mework but well...we got distracted;) haha. plus i didn't kn0w what i was doing at all. aww his little nephew is so0o adorable! he's like 6 m0nths old .. and he always looks @ me and i make him laugh..and it's s0 cute! i l0ve babies, i can't wait t0 have s0me of mii own...in like 10 years, haha.

i dread school tomorr0w.. i wanna g0 drive my car, haha. yay, i'm s0 happy.. at this very m0ment my life is perfect. we'll see h0w long that lasts...

i love Justin so much. i don't think there is a pers0n out there who i could possibly get along better with. he understands me s0metimes when i don't even understand myself.. he makes me laugh all the time because he's hilari0us.. he always kn0ws the right things to say or d0 to make me feel better.. he's just s0 perfect; we're perfect t0gether. i'm s0 lucky to have f0und s0meone so special wh0 i can share everything with. even th0ugh we have only been together for 5 and a half m0nths, it really seems like s0 much longer. i'm in love:)

but i am goin to bed s0 i can get up in the m0rnin'. i love you all♥

i love you Timothy Justin Mcafee!
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