
Jul 25, 2004 01:09

well .. i just g0t home so i figured i'd update reaL fast bef0re i go to bed ..
hmM . this m0rnin' i w0ke up at freakin' 7:30 b/c danIi told me to be ready by nine ((really it wasn't necessary haha)) .. s0 i went to w0rk w/ m0m and chilled, then dianne & paige came and picked me up. we went to get whiTney, then we were on our way to kn0xville to g0 get danielle. met her at the zo0, then we went to the kn0xville malL .. w0w, it's b|g. afTer that, we headed t0 k-p0rt. went to 'funfesT' and just waLked around and stuff .. looKin' for 2 certain girls fr0m a certain schooL .. *cough*sLut*cough* .. lol.. and we never could find 'em, s0 oh well. haha oh yea .. inmates really d0 wear those orange stripey outfits, lol...
after that, we uhmm got s0me cars to honk at us .. 'h0nk if ya wanna..LOL that was funny ..then we ate at Cheddar's [our waiter was cute!] and n0w i'm home .. haha 0mg it was s0 fun =) we'lL definately have to hang out s0me m0re *
t0morrow .. i don't know what i'm gonna do ;; might g0 to the pooL, we all kn0w why riight ;] but other than that, i'm n0t sure ..
but ahh i'm out .. leave 'em sweeT *

"0ww .. y0u shot me, you a-hole" .. lmb0 * daang
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