Dodging Bullets Ch2 The Arrival

Jan 30, 2012 22:34

Title: Dodging Bullets Ch2: The Arrival
Pairing(s): Yunho/Sungmin, Yunho/Jaejoong, Yunho/Tiffany(Het), Yoochun/Junsu
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Includes Homosexuality, Language, Drugs/alcohol, mature topics.
Genre: Angst, crossover, drama, tragedy.
A/N: This is complete work of fiction. Not to be taken too serious.
Chapter Summary:Jung Yunho, just finished a successful concert, and his futer looks bright. Only there is someone who unepectedly came into his life. In order to protect his new found relationship, he must sacrafise morality and friendship, even if that's all he has left.

Chapters: 1

“Where are you going?”

I rub the sleep from my eyes. It's blurry but I can still make out Jaejoong standing next to my opened window. He buttons up his blue, plaid shirt, the one that I love...

“Where are you going?”

I rub the sleep from my eyes. It's blurry but I can still make out Jaejoong standing next to my opened window. He buttons up his blue, plaid shirt, the one that I love.

But he doesn’t say anything; just continues to dress himself. He looks at me though. Stares with those eyes of his, as if he wants to tell me something, but can't.

I grab the sheet off the floor and wrapped it around my waist. I make my way to him slowly. Without a second thought at all I lay my lips on his. He stops cold. Is it shock? Regardless, I move one of his hands away from his buttons and clutch it against my chest. I feel Jaejoong ease into my lips and move to wrap his arms around my neck. There was something honest in the way he kisses me. Maybe there are times Jaejoong can be vulnerable. I hadn’t seen much of them but this, I think, is one of them.

The thin material slips from my fingers and falls to my ankles. I don’t mind that I’m exposed in front of my lover or the apartments across the street. All thought process abandons my brain and I’m just there, kissing him with all of my ability. But slowly he brakes away. I hold him close to me. I can’t let him go.


He speaks finally, soft and careful. He presses his cheek against mine.


“…You…. Love me, don’t you?”

What a silly question, I think to myself, but I chuckle under my breath.

“Of course… why do you ask?”

I look into his eyes; an overcast of doubt gathers above him. I begin to ask if he’s okay but before I’m able to say anything, he brakes free from my arms.

“What’s wrong?” I say suddenly, with worry.

He grabs his bag and head towards the door.

“You shouldn’t love me, Yunho.  We won’t ever belong to each other.”  He said coldly.

The door slamming shut.

Light pries into my eyes and they force open. I blink once or twice then suddenly I remember last night. I look at the empty space and the impression left on my pillow. Suddenly I’m back to that dreadful morning, and I hate myself all over again. But then I hear movement. Water running. I sit up and see my bathroom light on.


I hear the faucet shut off. Then Sungmin pops his head out of the doorway. He smiles brightly, warming my heart.

“Good morning! Did I wake you?”

I shake my head softly.

“What are you doing?”

“Brushing my teeth. I found some extra tooth brushes under the sink.”


I nod and rub my chin. I should shave.

“Come here, Yunho.” He giggles and hides behind the door.

I leave the bed and go to him. I don’t even bother to put anything on; I just leave everything on the floor. He stops me at the door.

“Don’t be angry, okay?”

“huh?” I cock my head slightly.


He jumps out wearing my button down shirt, and ONLY this. He spins to show me how it fit his form. It’s not very big on him. It comes just below his ass, covering his goodies just so.


There are no other words for it. Or at least not one I can think of right now. Fluids rush south. I look him up and down, and swallow excess saliva.

“Do you like it?”

I know I must look like a crazed hyena that’s found it’s dinner, but I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never felt this much lust all at once, and I don’t know how to deal with it. But then, maybe I don’t even want it to go away.


I push through the door, and Sungmin backs onto the sink. He’s stunned by my sudden impulse, but he doesn’t hesitate to grab me by the waist and kiss me without sparing. He wraps his smooth legs around me and draws me closer to him. His pace is fast and inpatient but I slow him down with a soft shush next to his ear. He looks up at me with a small but sweet smile.

“I want some more.” He whispers back at me.

I graze my thumb over his beautiful, pink lips. They’re softer than imaginable. He opens his mouth slightly and lets his tongue linger across my thumb. The tickling, wet sensation rushes up and down my skin, and the carefully placed kisses on the tips of my fingers brought with them a magnificent erection. Sungmin smirks, as success is evident. My hard cock pokes at his thighs, and I hungrily take his seductive mouth away from my hands and onto my lips. After last night, I too need some more, and soon.

I push Sungmin further onto his back, taking advantage of the wide sink area. The soap bar and the small cup holding my toothbrush are savagely pushed aside. I pay no mind to any of it. But there is an annoying, constant ring coming from the bedroom. My phone. I’m sure.


I hiss under my breath. Who the fuck is it? I begin to pull away but Sungmin’s thighs tighten. He shakes his head, with plea in his big, brown eyes.


With that, I reach the door with my fingers and swing it shut. Shutting out all other distractions.


The love I put aside for him was taken for granted. Pain leaves a strong impression on the future, but I guarantee that I will continue with wonder.

Sungmin leaves my apartment a few hours later. Leaving his lingering aroma on my sheets, and the mess in the restroom as a souvenir of his arrival into my life. I press the pillow against my nose and breath it all in. I think for a moment about him, and about the strings of events than led to this morning. It seems unbelievable, but as I look around the room where everything was once empty is now filled with Sungmin’s warmth and giggles.

But I remember my phone ringing earlier. I dig through my jeans on the floor and pull out the tiny, flashing phone. Seven missed calls and two voice mails from whom other than Jaejoong.

YUNHO, ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE!! Donghae is in the hospital! CALL ME BACK!

My heart races when I hear JaeJoong’s frantic yell. I play the second message.

What kind of friend are you!? Why haven’t you called me back!?

Anxiety builds in my stomach. How could I be so damn imprudent? I call JaeJoong back as I ready my self to leave out the door.

“Yunho! What the FUCK?!” He yells at me as soon as he picks up.

“What happened?! Where’s Donghae?!”

“He’s in the hospital, he’s hurt pretty badly. Everyone is with him now. Come to Yonsei now!”

“But what happened!?”

“Just get here and I’ll explain later!”

I growl with annoyance when he hangs up on me. I finish up and jump into my vehicle, burning rubber as I drive out.


I met Donghae when I was ten. He was my bully. I don’t know what he had against me, but he was the first kid to approach me at my new school. He told me with a growl and a little, balled fist: “Hey fatty, you came to the wrong school! Better watch your self!”

He tormented me for the whole year, and I began to dread going to school. Name-calling quickly graduated to punching and tripping, and it began to get harder to hide it from my mom. I couldn’t let her know what was happening to me. I already told her about all the friends I had made and she would be so heartbroken if she found out I hadn’t made a single one. I couldn’t let her down.

Then that summer I worked with my mom at a noodle stand she owned, but it was pretty slow that afternoon, since most people preferred ice cream to hot noodles in June anytime. But strange things always happened to me when I least expected them. DongHae was walking across the street from us, minding his business and eating a sweet and colorful ice cream cone.

Oh God… please don’t let him see me… I whispered.

Suddenly two older boys from school came right by him, said something, and then pushed him down. His Ice cream cone plopped on the street. He stayed there and the boys laughed and ran off. I didn’t feel sorry for him at all. He deserved it, I thought. I smirked and laughed inwardly.

“Those little punks” My mom, hissed.

She nudged me viciously.

“Go see if he’s alright, Yunho.”

I was shocked by what she was asking me. I shook my head and pleaded not to make me.

“No, mom! I don’t even know him! PLEASE!!”

“Yunho, Just go! NOW!”

I couldn’t believe it. I was walking right into trouble and the worst part was that my mom was making me. But I did it anyway, despite my instinct to run.
I slowly waled over to him. He was still on the ground staring at the mess, and the soft sniffles were barely audible. I knew this was going to be a bad idea, and I just wished my mom wasn’t there to witness my murder.

“Are you okay, Donghae?” I said carefully, hoping he didn’t hear me.

But he did, and his head quickly popped up, looked at me with tears in his eyes. He was angry, but fear was clearly visible.

“GO AWAY!” He snapped.

I flinched at his aggressive outburst. But I didn’t move. I suppose it was because the pain I saw in his eyes were familiar to me. I too felt that low and helpless. It hurt to see it, even if he was the one who caused it. I knelt down beside him, but still keeping my distance.

“It’s okay Donghae… I’m not laughing.” I said as carefully as I could.

“Get the hell away from me or I’ll kick your ass!” He spit right back.

I paused for a moment and took a deep breath. I tried hard not to back down; because this could be the last chance I could let him see what he was doing to me.

“Stop it… you’re no better than those assholes.” My words were firm and confident.

“What the hell do you want!?” He growled.

“I just don’t want to be like them… or you. Making someone else feel low just because you feel like shit… it’s not worth it. So, I came to see if you were okay…. But I guess it doesn’t make a difference. Bye…”

I was surprised at myself. I couldn’t believe I just said that, but it felt damn good. I prepared myself to get hit, but when it didn’t come I got up to leave. I walked away feeling a little taller, but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Donghae.

“Hey… why don’t you hate me like I hate them?”

I was very surprised, and I wanted to say that I did, but seeing him that low made me feel bad for him. He wasn’t threatening anymore. How could I hate someone who shared the same pain as I did?

“I don’t know… I guess I know how you feel.”

That summer my worst enemy turned out to be my best friend. I can’t help but think how funny life can be. How can one moment change things forever?

Now, Donghae is in the hospital, and I’m worried and pissed off at Jaejoong for not explaining anything. As I speed my way through the freeway, I can’t stop thinking about what could have happened to DongHae. He’s always careless and that has always scars me.

As soon as I arrive, I run through the front door and into the front lobby. I hope to spot someone I know, but there was nobody there. Not Yoochun, not Junsu, Tiffany, and certainly not Jaejoong. What the hell is going on? I ask the front desk for information on my friend, but she motioned me towards the other side. I slowly make my way, hearing cheerful laughter from some girls. I peek inside, and sure enough, he was there.

I see him in a wheelchair with his manager, filling out forms. Actually he looks fine, well enough to let three young girls gather around and squeal over him. He signs autographs and takes pictures with them.

“oppa! You must be more careful!” One girl babbles through her tears.

“Thank you! I Will!”

Donghae gives the girls a cheerful smile, and the girls are sent flying through the air. Shrieking his name, they leave through the other side, but I dodge them successfully. Donghae doesn’t see me either. I sneak behind him and poke my head over his shoulders, so that I can have the pleasure of startling him.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” I yell at him.

He nearly jumps off his chair, holding his chest. I laugh, now that I see he’s okay, I can turn the tables.


“So, you hurt your foot, huh?”

“oh, yeah… kinda drank too much last night… missed a step on the staircase and fell. Took a while for the doctors to see me, but I finally had some ex-rays done. It’s just a sprained ankle. It’ll be fine…”

He pauses and looks around the room for something or someone.

“Anyway, what are you doing here? Did something happen?”

“I came to see you. To make sure you were okay, but where is everyone?”

“They left a while ago. Why?”

“oh… I guess Jaejoong called them up too?”

He thought for a moment, and then shook his head.

“mmm… no, they came with me from the party. We all had a little too much to drink, and we partied all night… well except for Tiff. We still can’t get her to drink an ounce.”

“Why did Jaejoong call me, like it was some kind of emergency? I thought something real serious happened.”

He gives me a confused expression, but I’m also just as confused. Why would Jaejoong say Donghae was hurt badly if he knew he was okay? Also, why isn’t he here? I was expecting them all to be here when I arrived.

“He said he was going to call you, but I told him not to bother. I was okay to begin with. So he actually called?”

“yeah…” I stay quit for a second. I know Jaejoong is up to something.

“Let’s go get some coffee, Hae. You look like you need some.”

“Alright! Hyung, Want some coffee?

Donghae’s Manager looks up from the forms, completely oblivious to our conversation.

“yeah, I’ll just finish up here. We’ll go in a little bit.”

“Okay, I’ll be back soon.”


I push Donghae’s wheelchair down the hospital hallway. The coffee safely placed on his lap.

“Yunho, when will you start promoting again?”

“uh… soon. I start working tomorrow. Hopefully the beginning of next year.”

“I’m sure you’ll do great. You always kick everyone’s ass.” He chuckles.

“I’ll do my best.” I say shyly.

The conversation strays after a moment of silence.



“You never came back to the party.”


“Did you get tired?”

“hm?” I’m a little confused as to where he’s going with this.

“Jaejoong said… something stupid.”


“Nothing… forget it.” He laughs and shakes his head.

“No! Tell me, Donghae!”

“Nothing! It was stupid, and I just realized he was really drunk last night. You know how he is.”

“Yeah, I know. Tell me anyway!”

“It’s nothing, really.”

“Donghae.” I say firmly, and stop pushing. This is really starting to annoy me.

There is a moment of silence; I guess he’s wondering if he should say it.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. But I warned you.”

“Go on.”

“He said…” pauses for a moment. “ You two were probably fucking your brains out, and that’s why you didn’t come back… there!”

I try hard to stay calm. Honestly, though, I’m completely stunned. I stop breathing, and internally start to panic. When I don’t say anything for a while Donghae whips his head back to look at me.

“Did you hear me?”

I simply nod, and remember that Jaejoong was drunk. I can easily play it off.

“yeah… That jerk.” I hiss, truthfully pissed off at Jaejoong.

“Sorry, I know that was stupid of him to say.” He laughs when he remembers something. “Tiffany kicked his ass pretty good for you, though.”

I smile and try to play it off.

“Thank god for Tiff’s one-up strength on idiot boy.”

I start pushing him again and try to clear any doubt in his head. I don’t want to lie to him but I have no choice when it comes to this.

“Sungmin and I went to a club. He picked up some chicks, but I was too tired. I went home and fell asleep.”

“yeah, figures. Well you missed a good party.”

We return to the waiting room when I receive a text from an unknown number. I read it anyway out of curiosity.

It’s Sungmin. Pick up when I call! ^__^

I can’t help but smile at his message. I wait patiently for his call. My phone begins to vibrate, and answer expecting Sungmin’s voice.


“Yunnie Oppa!” A female’s voice sounds on the other line.


“mhm, who else would call you Yunnie?!”

“Just you, of course. What’s up?”

“Yunnie, what are you doing today?”

“Nothing really… how come?”

She giggles and gets quieter. “ I wanted know if you and me… can do something tonight.”

Beep beep.

Call waiting appears on my screen. I think that’s him now.

“uhm, sure! But let me call you back, okay?”

“Really!? Okay! Call me whenever you want!”

“Okay, I’ll call back! Bye.”

I answer the call. This time it’s Sungmin,

“Yunnie?! It’s me, Sungmin.”

“Yeah, hey!”

“Your manager gave me your number.”

“Oh really? Sorry, I forgot to give it to you when you left.”

“Yeah, that’s fucked up.” He laughs.

“Aish, I’m sorry.” I kick myself hard inside.

“It’s okay. I’m sure you were just boggled.” He laughs louder.

“Yeah, thanks…” I felt a little embarrassed by his words, but he, unfortunately, was right.

“Yunnie… You start working tomorrow right?” He says more seriously.

“Yeah... early too.”

“Well let’s catch an early dinner, huh?”

I smile quietly, still trying to keep discrete in front of Donghae. “Yeah, sounds great. What time?”

“How about six thirty?”

“Okay, I’ll pick you up at six.”

We hang up shortly after.

“Hey, who was that?” Donghae interrupts my thoughts.

“Uhm… Tiff… We’re meeting for dinner…”

“Ooh… okay~” He said as if he already knew.

“What?” I know what he’s thinking, but I wish I could tell him he’s dead wrong about Tiffany and I.

“Nothing!” He grins.

Speaking of Tiffany, I have to call her and cancel. I hope I can explain it to her, though.

“I have to go, Okay. Will you be alright?” I stand to leave.

“Yeah, call me later. And let me know how the date goes.”  He flashes another toothy grin.

“No way.” I laugh as I walk away.


Love is no stranger in my life, what is though, is your love in return.


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