3 months 7 days

Mar 23, 2005 22:32

sup 2day was sucky i missed my normal bus so i had 2 get on a different bus and the kid i wanted 2 hit 4 turning his back on me was no more than 10 feet away from me i wanted 2 hit him so bad but i didn't wanna get sent 2 lock up so i didn't but once i got 2 school things got better i mean like 1st 2nd 3rd went by real quick then school went by i checked and then i went 2 my babygirl's house and we chilled 4 a bit and then she fell asleep and like within a half hour i started 2 fall asleep but yea she fell asleep yea.... and then she woke up later on yea... but anyways we chilled till her mom came bac and brought me home tat really sucked i had 2 go home i didn't wanna go home i wanted 2 stay there i can't wait till me and her live 2gether its gonna b so fuckin great but yea im on the phone wit my babygirl and im watch whos line is it anyways its a good show so im gonna go i don't got much 2 write 2day.... so peace
I Love You Liz So Much *My BabyGirl*
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