Aug 02, 2004 23:50
Well, today has been a shitty day in some ways or another. Last night, I IM my friend Justin a bunch of times and he doesn't answer me so I storm off. Today, I was late getting on the field for marching band so they made me and this other guy sing I'm a little teapot. Of course, being as goofy acting as I am most of the time, I sing extra loud and cute like. Everyone was cheering for me. I felt loved. Right.. Anyway, demon lady kept coming to our group bothering us. Gosh, she's so annoying. I have never met someone so irritating in my life. I swear if she smiles, the world would come to an end. Tidal waves, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, all hell would break loose. Anyway, it felt like hell outside. Most of us was about to pass out from heat exhaustion. Everyone said I looked like I had a heat stroke. I felt horrible. I don't eat breakfast because it would make me sick. So we go in for lunch thank God after being outside for about 4 or 5 hours. We had pizza but I felt so sick that I waste the pizza basically. So after the pizza I went to get my picture taken. I bet it looks horrible. I was looking around at guys because that's my job. Most of them were teenage parents or just ugly. I was like my God, is there any guys without kids! So after I took my picture, I would back to band and got my instrument out and got ready to play. Woot.. So we're in sectionals and I sit by this sophomore clarinet boy who for some reason, has me in a daze and I can't get out of it. He's cool like.. one of those people who seem like they just make you like him for no reason. He's cute I guess you can say. I kinda of flirt with him in a joking way but me and sophomore or older might not work. Anyway, guys are fun to look at but not always fun to date. Well, basically the rest of the afternoon, we played until 4 then I went to registration for school. Yay... I got my schedule and I have a feeling me and Spencer aren't in the same classes again this year. v.v; I have all honors classes again. It's a piece of crap. Well, let me see my friend bought me the North Central shirt I needed for PE and she brought me home. I paid her back and that's how that went. So anyway, I get online to check my email and Justin sends me some nasty email talking about I'm bugging and stuff, great. So after that I started to RP my guy char then this girl kept beating me up ooc. I try not to get pissed then she sikes her bf on me to beat me up then my char's ex tells me to shut up then my (his) new girlfriend doesn't hardly defend him so I just left all pissed off. Then she emails me saying she was jealous of what I said when I have no idea what I said. (Mind you these people think I'm a guy, who knows why.) So yeah I called Kerry and he said something that really hurt. He said to me "Well what if you don't get married to me.." That didn't bother me. But when he said "Well what if we don't last long.." My heart shattered. Then we bumped heads against about my damn religion. I told him he should find someone better than me and I burst into tears not being able to hide them. He heard me and was like "Shaun please don't cry, Shaundra..." but I just cried. I just don't know. I just don't feel devoted to God anymore. I don't see the reason to be. So yes he told me to pray tonight so I guess I will. About what, I don't know yet. Well after hanging up with him, I came online to be nosey and read Mike's journal. I have restrained myself from talking to him though. I do miss him here and there. There is this guy who looks just like him and it drives me nuts. Just as tall, the look, the oddness, lol. He is mean to me though..-.- Because I'm like a foot and a half shorter than him. I'm like "It's not nice to be mean to the short people" and he just smiles and says "everyone is shorter than me!" -.- Evil boy. He so reminds me of Mike that it pierces my heart everytime I look at him. One guy I could never go out with. x.x; Amazing, I seem to like those odd funny boys.. lol. Anyway, lately I've been missing Spencer. It's no fun not having him to bug. Damn him for going to Alaska and leaving me all alone for two weeks. Well, anyway back on Mike! I read his journal and I got mad. It says on the recent one that he's ..plotting against me or something. I'm like wow now he hates me too.. woot..>.> I'm not proud of that. It's alright. If he hates me, he hates me. I can't change that. I'm just one teenage girl who didn't have a life outside the internet until she was in the 7th grade (with boys I mean.) Well, that's all I see important. I'm tired now. Justin isn't talking to me anyway.. boys, no fun at all.. *Rolls eyes* Night yo.