Mar 05, 2006 21:47
yesterday i went car shopping again. this is a long process and i wish it were over with... anyhoo, then i went to the mall and bought a coupla things. i was flirting with this one boy in express and he was flirtin back. i may ask him for his phone number the nest time we talk. not that its important cuz its not, but he's white. i havent been interested in a white boy in a long time. he's younger than me tho and i dont wanna fall back into bad habits... i see how the last coupla guys who have been younger than me were.
anyhoo, after shoppin i went to jam jam's for the surprise. we went to cafe ole. it was ok. i think i should have ordered sumthin esle tho... cuz i was still very much hungry after i finished eating. but i had fun with my friends and they gave me sumthin nice, which i wasnt expecting at all since its not my birthday. we laughed and had a good time... but here comes the bad part...
when we got in the car, hibler told me how he didnt appreciate what i wrote in one of my entries on lj. i was kinda annoyed b/c i didnt like his tone of voice at the time. plus i felt as if i were attacked. it made the whole nite seem bad for me at first... but then i talked to jam jam and told her how i felt about the situation... but most importantly, i talked to him and told him how i felt. we came to an understandingand i think he understood how i felt "at that particular time" when i wrote the lj entry... so now everything is fine. im not mad or anything, we're ok.
i was gonna go ho-hoppin (clubbin) last nite but i didnt. i was kinda tired after all that talkin lol... we havent done that since the "avery days." i had to explain that i wasnt just writing stuff on here to get attention, it's just how i felt at the time. surprisingly i cant hold grudges anymore, so whatever i may have felt last week, it didnt last at all. i love my friends too much to be mad especially about sumthin that silly.
i called my current crush and he's going thru some life probs. i felt bad, cuz i wanna help him but the best thing was to give him some space. a couple of my friends have said that he and i would make a great couple and i agree... now i just have to convince him of that. he already knows i love him tho. he knows how much i care about him. so, i was a lil dowen in the dumps cuz he was upset. but i just talked on the phone to another boy and went to sleep watchin Buffy.
change of subject.... i went to church today and that felt good. we took communion cuz its the first sunday, then i went home today and hung out with my brothers. we were wacthing "next" on mtv and rockin the hell outta the ppl on there. then we watched the DUMBEST FUCKIN MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE.... "when a stranger calls" that movie was hot garbage on a stick... that was an hour and a half of life that i will never see again. i felt stupider after watching that. i could literally feel some of my brain cells dying... (melodramatic much, i know lol)
now im bored, i think im bout to go get me some icecream and watch date movie or big mama's house2
( ima need u to act like u kno that im black and got the bootlegs )