exam results woes

Jun 03, 2011 09:28

Got back my results.

Japanese - A- ; Japanese pop culture - B (surprising since our project got B-) ; Food in Japan - B (shock. finals pull me down) ; History - C+ (a bit surprising. since I failed mid-terms and screwed up finals)



Although I did better than what I've expected, but if I worked hard from the first day,

I could have done better.

One is never satisfied.

Since it's over, I should just look forward.


Doubt I will have the chance to go.

There goes my chance of going for a SEP.

I will just have to work harder for the next few semesters.

Try my luck in whatever programs that the school offers.


Sometimes I wonder, am I not fated to go to Japan?

Just when I had the chance to go this month, it was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Not that I'm angry/disappointed or what.

But I just wonder....

This semester, I got to choose modules that I'm able to score.

Modules that interest me.

Japanese language is a must.

And maybe Japanese linguistics.

Also, a music GEM.

2 more JS modules.

Perhaps, Japan:The Green Nation or Japanese Mass Media or Postwar Japanese film and anime.

Waking up late and watching Japanese dramas/animes/variety shows has become a habit of mine during the holidays.

And, am still jobless.


I shall continue finding jobs until the start of July.


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