My twitterings, you can has them

Jun 21, 2009 23:02

Posting tweets to my LJ for proof that I'm not dead ;)

  • 00:28 Organizing a massive amount of pics so I can upload them to flickr...I don't think I'm gonna finish this today #
  • 00:43 DAMMIT I think I just crashed my desktop w/ pics from the Whaley House #
  • 00:45 Lol I forgot how to force quit apps on my I had to google it. *hangs head in shame* #
  • 00:51 Ahh, back to normal. It was because of the Creepy Orb Of Doom that the Whaley ghosts put in my pictures, I'm sure #
  • 00:57 AWW, DAMMIT! All my Creepy Orb Of Doom pics are missing! I think they got deleted when my desktop crashed. That's just LAME, yo. >:( #
  • 00:58 Since I've never explained it you have no idea what I'm talking abt, lol...Whaley House supposedly the most haunted place in the US #
  • 00:59 It's here in town so I went there to snap some pics...and in a bunch of pics (different rooms, different lighting, different placement) #
  • 01:00 was a GIANT ORB OF DOOM...a big, transparent circular thing. It's said that the "orbs" in the house are often captured on film & are ghosts #
  • 01:01 or something. ANYWAY. Now you know. And I have no proof, lol *shakes fist at ghosts* *takes it back and hides under the bed* #

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