Return of the XBOX

Jul 21, 2005 22:37

Last night was pretty fun. Since yesterday was wednesday, the farmers market was down on Arizona, so I bought myself a gardenia bush. I love the way the flowers smell. Ah, so nice. Anyway, so after work I went and picked up Mikey and we ran some errands. I got a pot for my plant at Home's a plain terra cotta pot so that I can hopefully paint it later. That'll be fun. I also got a universal remote so that we can use that TV we bought a couple months ago.

Anyway, after the errands, we came home and cooked dinner. Mike made his "famous" guac and I proceeded to charcoal my burgers until they were barely edible (I've never had a rock hard burger patty before). The only reason they burned was because I was trying to plug the tv in and stuff and got distracted from my grilling duties. Anyway, after dinner, the boys came over and we played Halo2. It was cool cuz we had 4 people playing at any given time, so there was always action. The only game I'd ever played like that was Unreal Tournament when we would play in the lab. N00BS!! That was me...a noob (or newbie, if you like the non-gamer version of the word). I think I got one kill on my own all night. Mikey let me kill him a few times...I think he was poodle. Anyway, that was definitely fun chilling with the guys and playing Halo arena style.

Henry drank the leftover salt from the vat of pretzels at work. Lets say it didn't settle well with him. It was prolly enough sodium to last him a month, lol. Ah, fun times at work.

Tonight was pretty chill. Twin and I went to Cold Stone in honor of the extremely hot weather we had today. A true summer treat. Then we watched our show Kept on VH1. Megan and I picked our favorite men that we wanted to win. My favorite got voted off last week...or the week before maybe. Although I sorta had two, as did megan. My second one just BARELY made the cut tonight, and megan's fav is still on. Her second pick got ousted tonight. So we both have one man in the final running. We'll see who wins.

We might go to Disneyland this weekend. I told Twin I'd get a season pass so we could go together. We'll see.

Anyway, bedtime.

"Disneyland is to me like sex is to a boy. I think about it every 7 minutes and am always ready to go." - Twin
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