Jan 29, 2005 22:45

So i found out on Monday that one of my friends what going to have a surprise party!!! Short notice but who cares! lol, anyways...the people who were invited had to find others to invite, Everyone was sooo busy! its wierd. So we arrive @ 5:30 Sara didn't get there til 6:15 or so, We were hiding in her bedroom no lights, Little freaky!!! Caitlin ( I'm right next to the tv this isn't working for me!) haha. then we heard sara and Nancy ( her mom) was like Sara i did something to your room go and look, Sara was a little pissed cuz her mom did something to her room,She opened the door and SURPRISE!!!! She opens it and Closes right shut! It was hilarious!!! Not as good as mine but still very funny! lol. So then we all went down stairs and hung out, Talked laughed, Hung out, danced! so awesome.. (I want a malehooker, dog comes right next to you! haha, Sorry i only stick to my species!)-Caitlin LMAO! hahaha. Funniest thing ever! Pictures!!! So nice. Joanie taking everyone around the block with her Might i say FANTASTIC CAR! haha. So nice!!!! the 6th sense feeling! WOW!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA!!!!!

Right now its 10:50 and i'm home alone, little freaky at this point, No tv, no people chatting, just the thoughts throough my mind and my fingers typing away!!!Don't really feel well Thanks Chrisse! haha Getting everyone sick! lol, Nah i'm just giving you a hard time.. But anyways I'm just around the house doing nothing and babbling on, its quite fun accually, but i don't know what ti write back.. Wierd a? Oh and there's like NO ONE ON!!! C'mon peoples!! lol. Well i think i'm out, so Just leave a comment and i'll get back to you! Muah!

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