Jul 24, 2006 03:17
Again, as I state everytime, I haven't updated in a long time! Surprising right?! Not really. Anyway, I'm still really into my Summer-mode and I was really pissed when I recieved my scheduling shit for school today. I wanted to cry as my mom and I sorted through all of the shit they send you. Anyway, my Summer has been going pretty okay. I hang out with friends everyday which is sweet because we always have fun. I still don't have my license... and in a way, I don't really care because people drive me where I want to go. But then again, it will be cool when I get it... but I'm still kind of nervous to take my road test. I'm afraid I'm going to fuck it up and not get my license. I know it's stupid of me, but whatever. Like I said before, I have a super awesome group of friends and I love them all. Jeff's grad party was pretty sweet and I really hope everyone had a good time, becuase I know I did. Football was amazing, but two days later, and I'm still extremely sore all over! I'm out of shape and I know it, but I know I probably won't do anything to change it. It's been kind of weird lately... Jess and I have been kind of growing apart, (at least it seems that way to me) and Amber and I have become tighter, which is sweet. Another thing is how weird it is going to be next year with all of my senoir friends going to college. It pretty much sucks, and now I'll only have like five friends at school, but I guess I'll have to deal with it. Whatever... I really hope the rest of my Summer works out. I still really want to hit up Cedar Point, although everyone else already went without me because I was still in school... but I know that Jess, Pat, and Amber really want to go too, so maybe we'll be able to persuade the rest of the gang. There has also been some talk of a camping trip... which would be extremely sweet! I know that everyone will get on each other's nerves and end up fight for half of the trip, but we would have a really awesome time and I really hope that the plans pull through. There's only about a month or so left of Summer and I want it to be amazing. There are also a couple of grad parties left to attend which should be pretty kick ass... I just don't want the Summer to end.