Oct 15, 2006 14:27
Friendship is a weird, weird thing. I mean, think about it. Those people in life that you just click with, that just become a part of you....so much in the way that if anything happened to them, you'd just curl up into a ball and cry until there's no liquid left in your body. When they hurt, you hurt. When they're happy, you're even happier. At least, that's how it is for me. And the weirdest part is that a lot of the people that I think that way about are people that I've met online and have never physically seen. Some of my best friends live miles and miles away. I just think it's weird how you can care so much about people you don't even really know.
We learned last year in Comm Studies that "identity is rooted in physical being". Yeah, that's true, but I feel like I know some of these people better than I know some people I know IRL, and they certainly know some things about me that people here don't know.
People tell me that online friendships aren't real.
Yes. They are.