Dec 20, 2004 16:03
went to a bunch of christmas partys this weekend 2 with day which were pretty fun then one @ my aunts house draged dan along, that was fun i drank way to much waine thoguh but befor the whole wine thing i let felicia open the present i got her early ( her frist christmas i had to do it u know me and surprises) she loved it it was this little thing that she could put balls in and it shot them in the air and kep doing itover and over it was funny and i got her there little weebel people in a boat that sang she like chewing on those and throwing them out of the boat.then everyone started eating and since im so damn sweet i put her in for a nap and everyone toasted me downstairs for it (aww how cute) so it was a good time too bad dan had to leave early for rehersal:O( i missed him it sucked but the wine thing was fun 6 glasses but i wasnt driving so ti was alright talked to *frank* he had a problem he needed to talk to me about so i helped him out on that OH on another note if i dont know u please dont read my journal cause frankly(ha excuse that little pun) what i put in here shouldnt concern u AT ALL and u know who u are .... we gots lots of snow last nite i hate snow dan had fun driving in it lol hes so cute cant get enough of that guy he so sweet. becca has a new lover boy :oP i didnt get to meet him :O( but i will soon hunnie i promise then he can get my approval and its all good u can date him after that. i gotta wrap presents today for my mommy and daddy cause they hate it and im the messed up one that thinks its fun im almost done with becca babes present its cute anyways im gonna do something dont know what maybe seduce the bf over text messages heehee
*name has been changed due to crazy gf*