Dec 01, 2004 17:42
i really gotta start putting more stuff in this thing cause i cant rember half the shit thats gone on since i last updated anything hmm lets see thanksgive was good lol i ate to much shrimp and almost lost it all but i was good palyed with the baby alot she ate all my cake it was cute :O)
that night i hung out with dan we went to go see a movie and that was deffitly good i think we saw finding never land i cryed silly me then basiclly since then weve been joined at the hip. hes such a great guy like ive never met someone that ive clicked that much with and u kinda have eachothers same stupied humor and finish snetences and stuff. but what bugs me is this huge bubble of fricint high school drama that for somereason kinda came around (long story)but to kinda sum it up i dont give a shit im not playing quabbin games anymore not that i did but im outta that place and could give two shits about what the little senior circle thinks*phew* alright now thats outta the system dan and i kinda had a talk about that on the ride home from rehersal last night which by the way was fun i get to paint the set for dereks show:o) woohoo painting... dans the lead and that nick kid there from woods is in it he looked all surprised to see me last night it was kinda funny. the whole point of me going to the rehersal was to get ideas for the set but i got way to distracted by someones eyes and cute dimples. i did freeze my ass off in the theater though the should really think about heat but yet again prince charming gave me his jacket so i was good so that was last nite. today woke up did crazy zach who wastn so crazy ....then came home then dan came and saw me bright and early brave guy me no make up yea deffintly scary sight, anyways he came over and we just kinda cuddled which was awsome got lots of kisses :o) fell asleep woke up then he didnt feel good and wouldnt leave me.argued with him to go home and all he did was give me that god damn smile i swear to god he can get away with anything with that but yea i won and got him to go home a rest so i can stel him tomrrow and that was about all i did today OH i found where my sunt lives now nice house ugly clor but nice house i get to paint felicias paly room so going there tomorrow to figure stuff out so thats that wow lots of stuff huh ?