(no subject)

Jan 01, 2005 02:35

i have never really made new years resolutions... mostly because i knew i wouldn't be able to keep them. but 2004 was a weird year for me so i have a lot to change and a lot i want to improve. maybe if i list them here it will help me keep track to keep them.

In 2005 I will:

- be more responsible with my personal actions.
- stop being so down on myself.
- get more than four hours of sleep a night.
- put school before work.
- budget my money better.
- move out of my house.
- stop being so flakey on those outside of my small circle of friends. if i have been, i'm sorry. i never meant to peace you out.
- stop saying "pretty much"
- quit quoting napoleon dynamite completely.
- have more faith in my friends.
- have more faith in my ex boyfriends.
- have more faith in myself.
- stop feeling like nobody cares about me.
- stop telling people they don't care about me when they're only trying to prove that they do. you know who you are, and i know you care.
- take things for what they are rather than what i wish them to be
- eat everyday.
- stop getting tattoos.
- judge my happiness on what i have now rather than what i miss.
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