survey time!

Jan 11, 2004 22:47

im bored and i have to study for the 2647812 tests i have tomorrow but i dont wanna so im gonna fill out this survey woopee!

Nervous Habits?: twirling my hair i guess
Are you double jointed?: nooo but im real flexible haha
Can you do weird things your tongue?: i can make a U
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: nope..its funny when i try tho
Can you blow spit bubbles?: ew no
Can you cross your eyes?: YEAH!
Tattoos?: NOPE
Piercings and where?: one in each year
Do you make your bed daily?: never!

Kissed?: =X
Hugged?: mike or jenn
Talked to?: myself..jk my grandma actually, on the phone, she told me shes sending me 500 bucks for my trip to england!! holy mommyyy=))
Went on a date with?: does chilling count as a date?
Laughed with?: ummm i dunno..i laugh all the time with everyone hahah
Hung out with?: jenn and lisa

Took a shower?: last night
Cried?: last week when i got in trouble
Talked on the phone?: like 2 hrs ago
Read a book? summer reading hahha..we dont read in marks' class cuz hes "too cool for books"
Punched Someone?: today! i punched bryan..annnd i punch vicky all the time=)

Which shoe goes on first?: whichever one i find first..i have trouble in the morning
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: hahaha yes!
On average, how much money do you carry with you: $20-$25
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: earrings, guess watch, the lovely lovely tiffanys bracelet i got from my lovely lovely friends haha, and a bracelet
Favorite Piece of Clothing: halter
Pajamas: sweatpants and big t-shirt

-- FOOD --
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl
Have you ever eaten Spam?: ew no
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip
How many cereals in your cabinet?: i HATE cereal
What's your favorite beverage?: dr. pepper
What's your favorite restaurant?: panera if that counts, outback steakhouse, cheesecake factory, and lots more
Do you cook?: i can cook mac and cheese! thats it haha
Does it taste good? the mac and cheese is good but nothing else

How often do you brush your teeth?: twice a day
How often do you shower/bathe?: every night
How long does your shower last?: about 20 minutes
Hair drying method: depends..if i wanna keep it wavy i let it air dry but if i want is straight i spend like half an hour blow drying and straightening it
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: nope
Do you paint your nails?: ya!

Do you swear?: yea hahah and wesley yells at me for it
Do you ever spit?: when i brush my teeth

Animal: dog!
Food: french and italian fooood
Month: August
Day: Friday and saturday
Cartoon: scooby doooo
Shoe Brand: steve madden, puma
Subject in school: LUNCH..and math
Color: pink & purple
Sport: dancing, figure skating
Tv show: OC, One Tree Hill, Friends, 8 simple rules...and lots more
Thing to do in Spring: have fun
Thing To Do In The Summer: hang out w/friends..go to THE BEACH, go on vacation, RELAX
Thing To Do In Autumn: look at the pretty leaves..oOOoo
Thing To Do In The Winter: cuddle=)
Game: tony hawk pro skater and mario kart hahha gary

The CD Player: some country CD..Lonestar or Jessica Andrews
Person you talk most on the phone with: lots of people
Ever taken a cab?: of drivers scare me tho ahh
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: hahhaah yeahhh
What color is your bedroom?: white with weird patterns..its gonna tear off the wall paper and paint it peach or lavender!
Do you use an alarm clock?: yes...but i never hear it so my mom wakes me up=P
Window seat or aisle?: airplane, window seat. Bus, aisle.

What's your sleeping position? curled up on my left side..and sometimes right
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: a light one
Do you snore?: nope! daddy snores loud enough for the entire family hehehe
Do you sleepwalk?: nope
Do you talk in your sleep?: nope im a quiet sleeper
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: yep
Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: yep radio

Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi
Oranges or apples?: allergic to both but i still eat apples cuz im weird like that
One pillow or two?: two
Deaf or blind?: neither!
Pools or hot tubs?: hot tubs
Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
Tall or short?: tall
TV or radio?: tv
Beach or pool?: BEACH!!!!
Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs
Snooze button or jump out of bed?: SNOOZE
Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset..oo purty
Hamburger or Cheeseburger? Cheeseburger
Morning or night?: night..mornings are ok, just not school mornings
Sports or news?: sports news
Indoors or outdoors?: indoors..hahhah everyone knows im soooo not an outdoors person(and why i am taking APES..i dunno! hahha)
Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: BOTH=)
Cake or ice cream?: ice cream cake! carvel!
Spearmint or Peppermint?: peppermint
Bath or shower?: bubblebath
Book or Movie?: movie
Green or Red apples?: red
Rain or Snow: SNOW
Nike or Adidas?: adidas

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: grad school and maybe married
Who are you going to be married to?: the perfect man for me
How many kids?: 3..twin girls! and a boy
Your profession: some kind of lawyer
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