(no subject)

Nov 12, 2004 19:54

I'm really sorry, I just need to kinda rant/complain/whine/bitch to get it all out. Ya don't hafta read it.

Well I just feel like absolute crap today. My throat is killing me, I'm coughing, my nose is all nasty etc. I missed first and second period just so I could get at least a little sleep. Cuz on Thursday my supposed day off (I don't get days off, just more time to accomplish what I need to get done) I got up early and cleaned up around the house, then I babysat alllllllll day and crammed as much homework time as I could in there (while they were sleeping, watching a movie etc) but when I got home at 10:45 I still had some to do. So I didn't get to sleep until after midnight. And sorry, but 5 hours of sleep doesn't cut it for me when I'm exerting myself every day.
I can only miss a combination of 3 practices or games all season or you get kicked off the squad. Coach is not really a coach, he's more like a drill seargent :). AND you can't come to practice unless you've been to at least 2 periods of school that day.
Sooo yeah I went to practice and we ran 1/2 mile, stretched for bout 20 minutes, did jumps for freaking ever, practiced chants (which hurt so bad to yell and I was just so tired that I wasn't getting any of them and I felt like a complete incompitent idiot) practiced stunting for like 45 minutes and it totally sucked cuz I was the flier like over half the time and other fliers were like okay I'm done, but Victoria wouldn't let me quit. And my balance was all off from being sick so I did soo bad it's not even kewl. I fell once, but Lindsey caught me, she's so cute; she's like "your life is safe in my hands". I'm getting better at like the loading part, but I just could not land or stay steady today. Plus I had this new girl who had never based before and a back spotter who had never done that before. Two extremely important parts. So the new baser wasn't in sync with the other baser so they were like launching me at different times and different heights so I couldn't really land properly and I kept falling over side ways instead of dismounting backwards. And I'm still scared!! I was all shaking n' stuff..i'm such a loser. Then we did like 30 push ups, 25 crunches and god-forsaken scissor kicks. I was just all discouraged cuz I did nothing right all night. I'm a faliure. *sigh* :(

What a crappy day. Again, sorry, just needed to whine.
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