May 30, 2008 00:10
1: Who has your heart?
No one at the moment
2: Do you like the last person you kissed?
Never been kissed (they should make a movie about that.)
3: Who was the last person to call you?
4: What is the last alcoholic beverage you had?
Never have I ever.
5: When was your last encounter with the police?
About 4 months ago....
6: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
7: Did you sing at all today?
Life is a musical, I break into song on a regular basis.
8: When's the last time you cried?
9: Last text from?
10: Are you scared of spiders?
As long as they don't try to lay their eggs in my hair I'm good.
11: Who were you with last night?
Kathryn, Tiffany, Jim, John, Cheyenne, Karl, Scott, Derek (I think that's all....)
12: What do you think of Fergie?
13: Do you believe in love?
14. This question is AWOL
15: Have you done anything you regret in 2008 so far?
I don't believe in regrets. (Forget regret or life is yours to miss. Lean from your mistakes but don't live in the past.)
16: Do you miss anyone?
I do.
17: Do you curse a lot?
No, I'm a good girl.
18: Who was the last person in your bed?
19: What should you be doing?
20: What color is your hair?
21: Hang out with your number one?
My number one? Accepting applications. :)
22: Is there someone you wanna kill right now?
I've never wanted to kill anyone, toss across a room: yes, kill: no.
23: Who knows a secret or two about you?
My dear friends.
24. This question ran away with 14, Vegas wedding picture will come later.
25: Ever have a sleepover with the opposite sex?
Unless the church lock ins, where the girls slept in one room and the guys on the other side of the church, count, I have not.
26: Olive Garden is?
A place that has food? Bingo? 42? Yellow? I give up.
27: Are you closer to your mother or father?
I'm close with both.
28: Do you have trust issues?
I trust no one.
29: What does your second sent text say?
Yay! I'm so excited
30: Have you ever told someone of the opposite sex you loved them and meant it?
31: Who do you like to spend your nights with?
I prefer to sleep alone, that way no one can steal the covers.
32: If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you?
You better believe it! Because by not saying something I'm sure he's either oblivious or uninterested and that's just annoying.
33: Do you want someone you cant have?
34: Are you a cuddler?
Depends on how I'm feeling
35: Have you ever been to Florida?
I have not.
36: When did you last talk to your brother or sister?
About 2 hours ago.
38: Have you ever punched a guy?
Sure, in that playful sort of what that I beat everyone up.
39: Gotten in a car with people you just met?
I think there was a time when my neighbor's daughter took me some where, but I don't recall.